HMS Eagle with Phantoms

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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I know this subject has been done to death elsewhere in various threads, but just wondered if anyone
had any detailed information from the NAO on how much refurbishment Eagle would have had under
the plan to keep her in service with CVA 01?
Hard to say really it might be more the NMM than the NAO about specifics. From memory it was replacing the JBDs with the water cooled ones used on Ark, replacing the remaining arrestor wires (one was done for the Phantom trials). I suspect the 4.5inch guns would be plated up and used to expand the deck park as per Ark Royal. She would have retained her Sea Cat bar the fwd portside one which was later removed. As a ship she was in better condition than Ark after her early 60s rebuild and had the updated Island and Radar that was dropped from Ark Royals refit.
Thanks Geoff
The radar fit might have been changed, though Hermes also
had the big 3d radar, so I suppose they would stay.
Would make a good looking model with a full air group.
With Hermes in tandem, with her Buccaneers and perhaps 2 Phantom squadrons on Eagle as the AD carrier.
I think they would have retained the 984 radar if they had continued as Strike Carriers through the 70s, Hermes lost hers because she changed to a Command Carrier and no longer needed the expensive but advanced 984 system. Although its possible if CA-01 had continued past 1966 then the 988 radar might have replaced 984 during Eagle's refit but maybe without the protective dome.

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