Platt-LePage List


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26 May 2006
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here is a Platt-LePage list;

PL-1 was a twin-rotor machine of similar configuration to the Fa-61
PL-2 was the early XR-1 helicopter concept
PL-3 was a twin-rotor helicopter,later became XR-1
PL-4 was armed attack helicopter developed from PL-3
PL-5 was also a twin rotor helicopter,later became XR-1A,developed from PL-3
PL-6 was a single rotor helicopter Project,with no tail rotor
PL-7 was the same as YR-1A helicopter
PL-8 was a single engined transport helicopter of 1944,powered by one 1000 hp engine
PL-9 was a helicopter sold to McDonnell Corp. to become McDonnell XHJD-1 Whirlaway
PL-10 was a utility/liaison helicopter Project,never completed,with no tail rotor
PL-11 was an improved civilian version of the XR-1A
PL-12 was a a four-passenger variant of the PL-11
PL-13 was a twin-rotor medium transport helicopter Project
PL-14 was a twin-rotor helicopter based on a Grumman Widgeon fuselage
PL-15 was a tilt-rotor convertiplane Prototype
PL-16 was a VTOL tilt-rotor transport convertiplane Project

LTA-1 was a Autogiro predated Dr. LePage's longtime collaboration with Haviland Platt.
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hesham said:
PL-1 was an experimental helicopter

What is your source for the PL-1? I have all the others but have never seen this one.

We've had a Platt-LePage specialist on this forum, who has access to the entire company archives.
Unfortunately, he said he'd be sharing stuff eventually (a book? a site?), but we haven't heard much about that, have we?
When he finally steps in, I'm sure he will shed light on the missing numbers.
Skyblazer said:
What is your source for the PL-1? I have all the others but have never seen this one.

According to a Rotor Review article, the Platt-LePage PL-1 proceeded only as far as "a 12-to-1 scaled model." "Without its rotors, this model was tested in the wind tunnel at New York University" [at the Guggenheim School of Aeronautics lab].

'Rotorcraft Pioneers: Haviland H. Platt & W. Laurence LePage' by Capt Vincent C. Secades, USN (Ret), Rotor Review #121 Summer 2013, page 32

BTW, member Platt-LePage Aircraft is still active.
First time I've seen this list...

The information regarding the wind tunnel testing of the PL-1 model came from Dr. Wynn Laurence LePage's book, "Growing Up With Aviation". published by Dorrance & Company c 1981. (Dr LePage would pass away from the effects of Alzheimer's Disease in 1985.)
I believe the actual PL-1 design that was tested was not related to XR-1, but a much earlier concept that Haviland Platt and Laurence LePage were exploring on paper and model.

The PL-2 paper study was the Focke machine they optioned to purchase and modify, but were unable to import to the USA from Germany, for obvious reasons by the end of the 1930s.

The PL-3 design under went a number of changes for the Dorsey bill competition, and became the XR-1 helicopter.

The PL-4 Armed single seat attack Helicopter differed quite a bit from the XR-1, and would not have shared much in the way of air frame components.

The PL-5 (XR-1A) was based on experience gained from flight tests of the XR-1, to build a better operational helicopter.

PL-6 was a single rotor design with a countervane to control rotor torque.

PL-7 was the contracted for, seven YR-1A service test helicopters. (partially completed by the time of the 1945 contract cancellation)

PL-8 single engine 1000 hp Transport Helicopter

PL-9 Twin engine Transport, became the McDonnell XHJD-1

A few comments, There was only one PL-10 design, which was a single rotor Utility / Liaison helicopter with a countervane to control torque.
A good deal of engineering was done on this project, with the Platt-LePage staff feeling so strongly about building this novel design,
they offered to work on their own time for free. However, the miltary would not allow any diversion of materials, or manpower, to build the PL-10, while the XR-1 - YR-1A contract was not completed.

There was no PL-10 II project based on the XR-1

The PL-11 and PL-12 were developments that grew out of the YR-1As that were under construction, and would have used some common components.

PL-13 was just a publicity "Postwar what we might do rendering"

PL-14 Amphibious Helicopter based on a extensively modified Grumman Widgeon Airframe. (Came very close to happening)

PL-15 Tilt-Rotor Prototype

PL-16 Tilt-Rotor Transport, (not jet powered)

There was also a flying Boxcar helicopter transport, and a rather large heavy lifter called a "Sky Crane" that I'll save for another time. B)

Incidently, The material published by Rotor Review magazine , used photos and and other information swiped from some other work I had done, and was used with out credit or permission. Rotor Review in a following issue later published a correction and credit for my material that was used without my permission.

Bonus trivia...Platt-LePage had a company newsletter called RotorReview. (I have a couple of copies)

And for the Extra Point:

Pick up the May 1945 Victory Edition of Industrial Aviation Magazine, and you see the only extensive article on the XR-1A, by John Tassos. (Actually ghost written by Haviland Platt.)
Amazing Amazing my dear Platt-LePage,

and I hope to get the rest in nearly time.

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