Nuclear Weapons - Discussion.

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bobbymike said:

Will we ever get a full comprehensive accounting of the sham called the Iranian Nuclear Deal?

Not while the Democratic party has any say on the matter, I suspect.

On a related note:
sferrin said:
bobbymike said:

reshaping or canceling the plan to spend at least $85 billion or more on roughly 650 new land-based missiles to support a deployed force of 400 missiles;
halting the plan for roughly 1,000 new air-launched, nuclear-capable cruise missiles at a cost of some $20 billion to $25 billion;
trimming back the plan for 12 new nuclear-armed ballistic missile submarines, which are estimated to cost $140 billion to develop.

The unilateral disarmament crowd never sleeps......... It is dangerous, dangerous thinking.

Jesus. I thought these people were suppose to be smart. (Maybe they're book smart but they damn sure aren't street smart.) Everything is "destabilizing" with no evidence whatsoever and, in fact, most factual, objective evidence showing exactly the opposite.

About the authors:

Daryl Kimball is a 1986 Graduate of Miami University of Ohio. He holds a B.A. in Political Science and Diplomacy/Foreign Affairs.

[Kingston] Reif holds a B.A. in International Relations from Brown University. He spent two years in the U.K. as a British Marshall Scholar where he received a MSc. in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a M.Litt. in International Security Studies from the University of St. Andrews. Reif is a 2014 Truman National Security Project Fellow.

So that "atomic scientists" thing is just marketing.

Yes that's why we need new stealthy or hypersonic ones.......
bobbymike said:

Yes that's why we need new stealthy or hypersonic ones.......

Don't know how you can read that site. The amount of ignorance is mind boggling. Sad thing is you often see the MSM pointing to it because they know even less.
sferrin said:
bobbymike said:

Yes that's why we need new stealthy or hypersonic ones.......

Don't know how you can read that site. The amount of ignorance is mind boggling. Sad thing is you often see the MSM pointing to it because they know even less.

I gave the article a stern rebuke in the comments section. Surely that's enough to stem the tide of stupid.
marauder2048 said:
sferrin said:
bobbymike said:

Yes that's why we need new stealthy or hypersonic ones.......

Don't know how you can read that site. The amount of ignorance is mind boggling. Sad thing is you often see the MSM pointing to it because they know even less.

I gave the article a stern rebuke in the comments section. Surely that's enough to stem the tide of stupid.


On another note:
marauder2048 said:
sferrin said:
bobbymike said:

Yes that's why we need new stealthy or hypersonic ones.......

Don't know how you can read that site. The amount of ignorance is mind boggling. Sad thing is you often see the MSM pointing to it because they know even less.

I gave the article a stern rebuke in the comments section. Surely that's enough to stem the tide of stupid.

Like pouring a glass of wine into a sewage holding pond.
sferrin said:
bobbymike said:

Yes that's why we need new stealthy or hypersonic ones.......

Don't know how you can read that site. The amount of ignorance is mind boggling. Sad thing is you often see the MSM pointing to it because they know even less.
Yes I get sucked into reading wanting to learn the "other sides" arguments but then find it's the same dumb ones repeated and wish I had the five minutes of my life back ;D

Russia now has 259 warheads more deployed than when the treaty entered into force in 2011.

Rather than a nuclear build-up, however, the increase is a temporary fluctuation cause by introduction of new types of launchers that will be followed by retirement of older launchers before 2018. Russia’s compliance with the treaty is not in doubt.

The aggregate data shows that Russia has continued to increase its deployed strategic warheads since 2013 when it reached its lowest level of 1,400 warheads. Russian strategic launchers now carry 396 warheads more.

Overall, Russia has increase its deployed strategic warheads by 259 warheads since New START entered into force in 2011. Although it looks bad, it has no negative implications for strategic stability.

The United States, in contrast, has continued to decrease its deployed strategic warheads. It dipped below the treaty limit in September 2015 but has continued to decrease its deployed warheads to 1,367 deployed strategic warheads

Overall, the United States has decreased its deployed strategic warheads by 433 since New START entered into force in February 2011.

As a result, the disparity in Russian and U.S. deployed strategic warheads is now greater than at any previous time since New START entered into force in 2011: 429 warheads.

If the exact opposite was happening who would want to bet me this article would read very differently and FAS would discuss the US's 'alarming' and 'destabilizing' (probably throw in massive and expensive as well) nuclear buildup?
No kidding.

"Russia has increase its deployed strategic warheads by 259 warheads since New START entered into force in 2011. Although it looks bad, it has no negative implications for strategic stability."

But the US replacing an already existing cruise missile? Destabilizing. On can't help but wonder if these people are incredibly stupid/naïve or actively wishing for the destruction of the US.

My dream to study at the School of Advanced Nuclear Deterrence.

Wait how did North Korea get nukes?
Sounds like the awesome nuke deal we have with Iran.

Still think they should build extra quad packs and install them on the deck of a retired heli-carrier and make a mobile prompt global strike missile ship.

Or even take them all out of the retiring Ohios, unless they are keeping some to be SSGNs then never mind :D


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Russia Adds Hundreds of Warheads Under Nuclear Treaty

Russia increased its deployed nuclear warheads over the past six months under a strategic arms reduction treaty as U.S. nuclear warhead stocks declined sharply, according to the State Department. During the same period, the United States cut its deployed nuclear warheads by 114, increasing the disparity between the two nuclear powers. Russia’s warhead increases since 2011 suggest Moscow does not intend to cut its nuclear forces and will abandon the New START arms accord as part of a major nuclear buildup.

“It is now highly unlikely that Russia intends to comply with New START,” said Mark Schneider, a former Pentagon nuclear weapons specialist now with the National Institute for Policy. At the same time, the Obama administration is continuing a program of unilateral nuclear disarmament despite promises by President Obama to modernize and maintain U.S. nuclear forces as long as strategic dangers are present. The latest Russian warhead increases coincide with increased tensions between Moscow and the West. The nuclear buildup is raising new fears Russia plans to break out of New START treaty limits rather than comply with the accord. Russian forces have deployed 249 warheads above the warhead limit set by the treaty to be reached by February 2018.

Since the treaty went into force in 2011, Moscow increased its total warhead stockpile from 1,537 warheads to 1,796 warheads, an increase of 259 warheads. By contrast, the Obama administration has cut U.S. nuclear forces by 433 warheads during the same period. Air Force Gen. John E. Hyten, nominee to be the next commander of the U.S. Strategic Command, warned the Senate during a hearing last month that Russia is modernizing both its strategic and tactical nuclear weapons. “It seems clear that Russia has been making large investments in its nuclear weapon programs as well as modernizing both its strategic and non-strategic nuclear weapons,” Hyten stated in answers to questions posed by the Senate Armed Services Committee. “In addition to advancing nuclear capabilities, Russia is emphasizing new regional and strategic approaches, and declaring and demonstrating its ability to escalate if required,” he added. “Collectively, Russian development of advancing weapons capabilities and its evolving warfighting doctrine is concerning.”

Under New START, the United States and Russia agreed to reduce deployed nuclear warheads to 1,550 warheads. Deployed land-based and submarine-launched missiles and bombers will be cut to 700. Missile launchers and non-deployed heavy bombers will be reduced to 800. While U.S. nuclear forces are very old and in need of modernization, Russian nuclear forces are being modernized. By 2020, nuclear missile submarines, land-based missiles, and bombers will be modernized, with 70 percent of the nuclear forces replaced with advanced systems, according to U.S. officials. In a related development, Russia announced on Tuesday it is abandoning a 2000 agreement to reduce stockpiles of plutonium originally intended for nuclear weapons. “We’re disappointed with their decision,” Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said of the Russian rejection of the plutonium agreement. The Russian action followed the State Department’s decision to cut off talks with Russia on Syria. Schneider, the nuclear weapons expert, said Moscow appears to be on a path to doubling its warheads.

“With or without New START, Russian deployed strategic nuclear warheads are likely to increase to 3,000 by 2030,” he said. Other troubling signs of Russian nuclear weapons advances include intelligence reports that Moscow is expanding underground nuclear command bunkers, violating New START terms, and planning to double its warhead stockpiles for new multiple-warhead missiles. Schneider added that the sharp U.S. nuclear cuts indicate the Obama administration is moving ahead with a unilateral disarmament scheme.

“I think it is also clear that the Obama administration has an unannounced program to implement Obama’s proposed one-third reduction in strategic nuclear forces from the New START level unilaterally,” he said.

A strategic military balance that existed in 2011 when the treaty was approved has now been reversed by Russian increases and U.S. cuts. “In 2011, the United States had a lead of 263 deployed warheads,” Schneider said. “We are now 429 deployed warheads below Russia. The Russians will think this is quite important. It could impact Putin’s willingness to take risks.” Russia has adopted a new nuclear strategy that lowers the threshold for the use of nuclear arms in a conflict. Moscow calls the nuclear doctrine, escalate to de-escalate. Blake Narendra, spokesman for the State Department’s arms control bureau, dismissed the Russian warhead increase, saying it was part of a “business-like” implementation of the treaty provisions.

“The United States and Russia continue to implement the New START treaty in a business-like manner,” Narendra said. “The treaty does not prescribe interim limits. We fully expect Russia to meet the treaty’s central limits by February 2018.” Narendra said current tensions with Russia highlight the need to abide by treaty provisions on verification and confidence-building measures. Without the treaty, the United States would lack information about Russian strategic forces that are currently being modernized, he said.

“Fluctuations in the number of deployed warheads is an expected process as the Russians replace older missiles dating from the 1980s that are being retired and eliminated,” Narendra said. Hans M. Kristensen, an analyst with the Federation of American Scientists, a group that favors nuclear arms cuts, said he believes the Russians will continue to abide by the treaty despite the 259 warheads it has deployed over New START levels. “Rather than a nuclear build-up, however, the increase is a temporary fluctuation caused by introduction of new types of launchers that will be followed by retirement of older launchers before 2018,” Kristensen said, adding “Russia’s compliance with the treaty is not in doubt.” Regarding other New START provisions, Russia had reduced its deployed strategic delivery systems—land-based and submarine missiles and bombers—slightly from 521 systems to 508 systems. The United States cut its missile and bomber forces by 60 systems over the same six-month period.

Russia cut its deployed and non-deployed delivery systems, another New START category, by 18 launchers and bombers. The United States cut 30 systems over the same period.
And this is how you know who's only interested in weakening the US:

"Russia has increase its deployed strategic warheads by 259 warheads since New START entered into force in 2011. Although it looks bad, it has no negative implications for strategic stability."

Yet the US replacing AN ALREADY EXISTING CRUISE MISSILE? The squeals of, "destabilizing" can be heard echoing from California to D.C. It doesn't get more brazen than that.
Grey Havoc said:
Squeals? Hysterical screaming is more like it.
As I mentioned up the thread imagine if the US had built up its nuke forces while Russia disarmed? The Joe Cirinciones of the world would be going nuts and probably organizing protest marches in Washington. Russia does it, not big deal.

Hey it's just like the Cold War everything the US did, especially Reagan, was going to start WWIII while everything the USSR did was ALWAYS described as a response to US militarism.

50 years of undermining US national security why stop now it's all they know.
bobbymike said:

From a few months ago:

"Russia’s two newest classes of submarines–the Yasen-class multi-purpose attack nuclear submarine (SSGN) and the Borei-class (“North Wind”) nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN)—are expected to be fitted with a new deep-water torpedo by 2017.

According to TASS news agency, the advanced Futlyar deep-water torpedo is currently undergoing state trials. The new torpedo is an advanced variant of the533-milimeter Fizik-1 homing torpedo that has recently entered service with the Russian Navy, a source within Russia’s defense industry told TASS.

“The new variant of the torpedo is undergoing state trials at Lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan, which are due for completion later in the year. If the torpedo passes the tests, it will enter service and its full-scale production should begin in 2017,” the source said.
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“The Futlyar will also be supplied with an improved homing system with an extended underwater target lock-on range. It will retain the baseline model’s range, speed and maximum launch depth – 50 km, over 50 knots and 400 m respectively,” the source added.

Once in full-scale production, the Futlyar heat-seeking torpedo is slated to replace the Fizik-1 and Fizik-2 torpedo variants. Full-scale production of Fizik torpedoes has only started about a year ago and it unclear how many submarines have been fitted with the weapon system."

And the US? Well, they're thinking about blowing the dust off the Mk48 and trying to upgrade it again.
Next generation in development
bobbymike said:
Grey Havoc said:
Squeals? Hysterical screaming is more like it.
As I mentioned up the thread imagine if the US had built up its nuke forces while Russia disarmed? The Joe Cirinciones of the world would be going nuts and probably organizing protest marches in Washington. Russia does it, not big deal.

Actually it is however the protest are more direct and more muted. The Cold War Warriors are protesting. The difference is that whereas the ability to influence Moscow are limited, particularly while Putin is flexing his muscle, the ability to influence in a Democracy are much greater.

Of course, that the US has also over the years since the end of the Cold War flexed it's muscle a great deal appears to go unremarked in your mind...
bobbymike said:
Grey Havoc said:
Squeals? Hysterical screaming is more like it.
As I mentioned up the thread imagine if the US had built up its nuke forces while Russia disarmed? The Joe Cirinciones of the world would be going nuts and probably organizing protest marches in Washington. Russia does it, not big deal.

Hey it's just like the Cold War everything the US did, especially Reagan, was going to start WWIII while everything the USSR did was ALWAYS described as a response to US militarism.

50 years of undermining US national security why stop now it's all they know.

Yeah it must be terribly annoying to live in a democracy where people are free to express opinions that don't agree with your own and where people aren't branded traitors for doing so.
What sort of reasonable country doesn't seek to demonise such people for their sincerely held beliefs and accuse them of intentionaly working for the interests of foreign powers?
Hopefully Pesident "I love women" Trump will immediately solve those problems for you.

Big difference the US has no warhead production lines with a maximum 50 pit/year capability while Russia has 1000 pit/capability and active production lines.
bobbymike said:

Big difference the US has no warhead production lines with a maximum 50 pit/year capability while Russia has 1000 pit/capability and active production lines.

Back to the reeducation camps with you, heretic. Your facts aren't wanted here.

And refer everyone back to the video at comment #618

Cross posted at Nuke Weapons News Only h/t Grey Havoc

I've been predicting for over a year 2021 Russia drops out of or doesn't extend New START and we have a Russian breakout at the same time China's arsenal is still totally opaque to us and probably much larger than advertised. We are faced with 2X up to 4X as many deployed warheads while a secondary prediction we've cancelled the GBSD and LRSO, the B-21 languishes and SSBN(X) is under serious budgetary pressure.

At the end of the Cold War we should have sized out arsenal to OUR security needs completely independent of our adversaries.

Only thing dumber than this article is the majority of commenters who seem intent on trying to prove they are the most ignorant.

The U.S. is actually in the midst of modernizing all three legs of its nuclear triad:

Yes an actual quote from the article.
Avweek has really taken a dive since they started letting non-subscribers post. Most them are dumber than rocks and would be more at home at HuffPo. Come to think of it, more than a few of their writers would be too.
sferrin said:
Avweek has really taken a dive since they started letting non-subscribers post. Most them are dumber than rocks and would be more at home at HuffPo. Come to think of it, more than a few of their writers would be too.

I also tend to think their coverage of Russian nuclear weapons and delivery systems development has been deliberately neglected to help bolster their New START endorsement.
A bit like how their previous editor prevented any mention of the Martin Baker JSF ejection seat issues because it would paint a British manufacturer in a bad light.
That comment a page or two back where they mention Russia exceeding current Treaty limits by 250 warheads but, "it's all good, no big deal". But that cruise missile we want to build (to replace an existing system)? "Destabilizing". One wonders how the world still exists considering how long we had TWO nuclear armed cruise missiles in the arsenal. (AGM-129) It makes it difficult to choose whether it's just willful ignorance or if they actually WANT the US to get nuked.
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