What type exactly is "Te Yang" destroyer?


I'm dissatisfied, which means, I exist.
30 May 2013
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Not sure where to put this, so I put it into the Bar.

There is a museum ship "Te Yang" on Taiwan. Theoretically, it's a refitted Gearing-class destroyer (former "Sarsfield"):

Problem is, that it doesn't looks like Gearing-class.



It's clearly fitted with 127-mm/38 mounts from Fletcher-class destroyers. Also, it doesn't have other weapon systems, that "Te Yang" was supposed to carry - like OTO "Melara" gun instead of forward mount, or SM-1MR missiles in box launchers.

Here is how "Te Yang" looks like during its service:


So... what the hell is this museum ship on upper photos? It looks more like FRAM-II Fletcher with some additional refit (like Gabriel SSM, or their Taiwanese derivatives installed).
P.S. According to what I managed to learn, it's a Gearing hull, which was completely stripped from all useful weaponry before being given to museum. The museum decided to restore the ship to its FRAM-II Gearing configuration (with some additions), but could not obtain the dual 5-inch mounts - they were already given to other museum. So the Te Yang museum was forced to use what it could get, and placed the single 5-inch mounts from old Fletcher-class.

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