what if special air attack japanese units...


ACCESS: Top Secret
14 October 2007
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what if special air attack japanese units was an elite air attack with various type of weapons including napalm bombs instead the suicide attack ?
Re: what if special attack japanese units...

Interesting. Are you talking about the sabotage of Allied installations at home and abroad, similar to Germany's failed Operation Pastorious, with elite Japanese commandos, or the dive bombing of fleet vessels with various weapons, instead of using Kamikaze tactics?
Re: what if special attack japanese units...

Ah, but they did divebomb ships and they did have incendiary bombs...
The real issues were logistics and production capacity. Unconventional tactics would have to be in this area to make any difference (e.g. similar to if Germany had abandoned plans for a surface fleet or had focused on fighter production in 1939 as soon as the attrition rate from the airwar in Poland was known)
An interesting twist on the idea of alternate "air" attacks by specialized Japanese units were the Giretsu commandos. They would land by glider or parachute after a conventional aerial attack by Japanese bombers. As there were no planned means of extraction of these forces from the battlefield, their effort was simply one of "win or die trying." They made thier most impressive attack on Okinawa. They are still revered in Japan.
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