What happens if China didn't become communist?

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ACCESS: Top Secret
18 October 2007
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I was just wondering, what about if Chang Kai Sheck defeated Mao?
If the Kuomintang ruled all China?
No PRC but some "extended Taiwan"?

In my opinion such thing would radically change the history.
With a China allied to U.S. for sure no Korean war and likely no Vietnam war.

A China allied to U.S. would also push USSR on its back (even if the relationship among the two nations were twisting from time to time).

No Korea, no Vietman so maybe no Kennedy assassination?
No Nixon and no Watergate?

What else would change in a world were China isn't became communist?
Oddly from economic point of view of today maybe nothing would change, in any case China of today would be the superpower it is.
Not really a suitable thread for this site as it does not deal with secret unbuilt projects and is a highly political theme with too many rabbit holes.
It happens in France Fights On, with a POD in 1940... Mao kicks the bucket circa 1943, Chang carries the day but Mandchuria turns into a "reverse OTL Taiwan" (communist stronghold after their defeat) except 10 times larger.

End result: probably an enormous "Mandchuria war" in the 50's - OTL Korea + Indochina, squared...
20th Century Genocides and Mass Atrocities


  • The Great Leap Forward
Mao Zedong, the revolutionary communist leader of China attempted radical agrarian reforms and social engineering at the cost of 45 million Chinese peasants. This mass starvation occurred during 1958-1971 and subsequently, a Cultural Revolution took place that led to the killing and imprisonment of anti-government elements. Due to a lack of credible information of these incidents, it is difficult to categorise this as genocide.

I have the greatest respect for all who post in this forum, but this sort of mental masturbation brings to mind a great line from the movie "Stand by Me":

"We talked about the stuff you talk about before you discover girls..."

Regards, Harry
I was just wondering, what about if Chang Kai Sheck defeated Mao?
Better we avoid this thread because is far from forum's core subject and has a great potential for clonfict.
I recently read this book and final chapter fits your questions.

You can find it for a few dollars. 20 Chapters from 701 BC to XX Century. I liked it very much.
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