Type 44 Destroyer: Anything released under the 30 year rule

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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Apart from a line drawing by DK Moore of the "small Type 43" and the indication that it was the basis for the Type 44 destroyer cancelled as part of the Nott Review in 1980 nothing much has been released about this ship.

Now that we are in 2013 has anything been released under the 30 year rule. In particular it would be interesting to now how it was intended to use the Type 22 hull to accommodate the Seadart and its magazine. The ship in the drawing is singularly uninspiring and one cannot but agree with D K Moore that its cancellation was a good thing.

The development of the Type 43 between 1976 and 1980 has been covered to some extent, but it would be interesting to know what other alternatives were examined. D K Moore mentions that his team looked at fitting AEGIS to the Type 43 and thought it a better solution.

I would be exceptionally pleased to hear otherwise, but the last time I spoke about such matters with the people at the Brass Foundry I was told that once ship design went "computerised" (around Type 42 I THINK - REPEAT "THINK") they were told that it was unlikely that "ships covers" type info would ever become available as it wasn't kept the same way and that as design software changed over the years the "old" files wouldn't be readab;e anyway.

I am sure that the DNC have some paperwork files, but of what sort and detail I have no idea.

IN ADDITION, any ship with nuclear weapons capability (i.e. "special weapons" storage, etc.....) will also have extra restrictions if not total ban ???????

Someone needs to speak to the Brass Foundry or Naval Historical Branch.

Obviously Admiralty working papers will still be available (!)


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