Tugan (Wackett) Gannet

Jan den Das

ACCESS: Secret
27 December 2008
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The Gannet was a small in Australia designed and build airliner.
There is a lot of information about the history of this type of aeroplane.
Now I hope that some of you can help me with the following materials/informatiuon what I cannot find?

An, at least, three side view drawing;
Details dimensions, such as: big and small wing chord, demensions of the tail wing and fin and rudder, wheel track, demensions of the fuselage (wide/height), etc.
Impressions of the fuselage and wing construction,
Pictures/drawings of the cabin as passenger and ambulance version.

Each detail is welcome!!



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I know that site and I contact them.
Concerning the drawing I received the following information:

"Drawings not scale and no claim is made as to accuracy."

So I hope someone can help me with better drawings and the other questions?
That would mean, they somehow reconstructed the shape, too ?
For a model of an actually built aircraft. that's an information I really
would like to know before ! ::)
They used some pictures to make a simple drawing, they dont have any detail dimensions.
So it was done to give an impression.
I received from some one the information that he has seen in an Australian book (?) some blue prints, with at least one of them of the Gannet.
Who knows/has that book an can be of any help?
Those red crosses imply that Gannet was employed by the Australian Flying Doctors.

Those small, extra vertical fins imply that it was originally designed with too small a vertical stabilizer ... a common error. These supplemental fins are frequently installed on float planes (e.g. deHavilland of Canada) to improve directional (yaw) stability in compensation for the extra lateral area of float noses ( forward of the centre of lateral area).
Thanks for these informations, but this is notnthe answer on my question.

The red crosses has nothing to do with the Australian Flying Docters Service, but this were ambulance aeroplanes of the RAAF
I received from some one the information that he has seen in an Australian book (?) some blue prints, with at least one of them of the Gannet.
Who knows/has that book an can be of any help?

Possibly in Keith Meggs' Australian-Built Aircraft and the Industry, Volume One? Try posing your request in the book thread:

You might also PM this thread's originator - Jan den Das. Ask Jan if he ever received the "small reproductions of original factory drawings" or copies of Alex Pedashenko's CAD drawing of the Gannet from Derek Buckmaster (DB Design Bureau)? If so, would Jan care to share those images with other SPF members?
Last edited:
Here are drawings of the Tugan Gannet from Australian-Built Aircraft & The Industry Volume 1 Book 2. For clarity I've also included magnified views of pages 384 & 385.


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