Trevor Jacob provoked Aircraft crash

Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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in Short
Trevor Jacob a extrem sportsman and Youtuber,
purchase a 1940 Taylorcraft BL-65 and crash it during his frist flight !
He posted the event on youtube. "I crash my Plane"
But question rise: why five go-pro camera on plane ? why he jump out plane and pulled Selfie-stick and film him self and plane crash ?
FAA had same question and start investigation and on April 11 revoked Jacob's private pilot certificate !


A 'room' yes but by preference,one with 'comfortable wallpaper'.

He sent a fueled aircraft to crash randomly into property that was not his. He could have killed people with the crash. He could have started a forest fire, which could have killed campers hikers homeowners and firefighters. Spending the rest of his life in a gray steel and concrete box is not unreasonable.
We discussed this "stunt" over on and and concluded that that footage is real and real stupid.
Why he bailed out is mystery to many private pilots. Why he ignored the level patch of braided stream-bed below him is a mystery to many private pilots.
Why he waited more than 3 seconds to open his parachute is a mystery ...
Why this mal-odorous idiot gets so much attention is a mystery.

He deserves far more punishment than the FAA suspending his pilot's license. Perhaps permanently tattoo "Dumb Ass" across his forehead.
A 'room' yes but by preference,one with 'comfortable wallpaper'.

He sent a fueled aircraft to crash randomly into property that was not his. He could have killed people with the crash. He could have started a forest fire, which could have killed campers hikers homeowners and firefighters. Spending the rest of his life in a gray steel and concrete box is not unreasonable.

But he planed for a possible brush fire.
But he had a fire-extinguisher shoved up each pant leg!
Why anyone would try to conceal a fire-extinguisher is a mystery to me??????????
Why anyone would conceal a fire extinguisher up their pant leg is a double mystery to me???????
May I suggest concealing those fire extinguishers in a more "covert" and painful location???????
Sarcasm alert
On 20 April 2022
The FAA revoked his private pilot certificate and ruled that he will not be permitted to apply for a new certificate for one year,
stating that "your flight … [was] careless or reckless so as to endanger life or property of another".

this mean that Trevor Jacob can regain his certificate in April 2023...
"Trevor Jacob faces 20 years of Prison".

We can hope, twenty years of being careful to know where the soap is.
The Forbes article is an eye opener. I know there were serious questions asked about why so many cameras on the plane etc., but the dragging home of the wreckage and the dismantling to throw into various scrap bins was new to me.

I remember reading a poem a long time ago that ended with "Death, however reckoned, is difficult to dispose of." So too with Trevor, the airplane was his undoing.
now that a news i not expected !

Trevor Jacob face 20 years of Prison


Hello Michel, I honestly have to ask - did you expect the sentence to be notably higher or notably lower, or perhaps even none at all? While I am a staunch opponent of the death penalty, I am also absolutely convinced that there are (quite a lot of) people who need to be permanently pulled out of circulation for the greater good of society, so I would have been perfectly fine with him being sentenced to life in prison, both for what he did and the bad example/precedent he set.
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"Up to 20 years" is the sort of sentence reporters come up with by just adding up the maximum sentences of the various charges. In reality, the Federal Sentencing Guidelines will almost certainly come up with a lower number (no violence, no prior criminal record [presumably], etc.) And Federal sentences usually run concurrently unless they are violent felonies. So, at a guess, a couple of years with most of that as supervised release after a couple of months of incarceration.
Hello Michel, I honestly have to ask - did you expect the sentence to be notably higher or notably lower, or perhaps even none at all?
I thought he would get way with his pilot certificate revoked by FAA for one year.
i not expected that NTSB & FAA investigation let to this.
now it depends on the Judge decision...

"Reckless" is an understatement. It's nothing short of a miracle that the crash didn't spark a wildfire. We have had some truly massive blazes in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. That wilderness area where the plane went down is a tinder box.
I knew that the judicial system was absent between the ears, another confirmation.

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