The Things you Least Expect in the Mail...


Crazy Researcher
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19 December 2006
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So yesterday I got a package in the mail, and was like ??? until I realized that no, it was not my Kindle 3; the packaging is wrong, and that it was from a guy I know who has given me xeroxed copies of documents in the past.

At the time I got it it was pretty late, so I put it aside for sleep-time.

Well, today I opened it up, and instead of xeroxed copies...


...Just wow. Of course, I was saying things that were unprintable in a family magazine, but you get the idea.

So what's in it?


This might be a near complete copy, which is darned hard to find.

If you've made it this far, here's a present:


OMGPONIES from the MD State Fair which was having races that you could bet on.

Still with us?

Here's some stuff I actually personally own, and paid for:

Some large format 8.5 x 11" color negatives that were used as overhead projector imagery for briefings:

I had to use my mom's old 1960s BARBIE LIGHT TRACING TABLE combined with my camera on a tripod to photograph these; since they're just too large for my scanner's backlit back which can only handle one strip of 35mm....

FB-111A Launching SRAM

Boeing Proposal for AWACS
I've seen something similar to that AWACs proposal in the past few years. It was a bit of artwork in a journal, maybe International Air Review? I think it was the C-135 version, although for some reason I have it in my head that it was a C-141 version. Anyway, the artwork had the radome on the tail. That looks really cool, but structurally it's not a good idea. I think that the artwork I saw was not a cutaway, however. It was a different image than what you have. I'll look around for it.
Did a search on this site. There is a black and white version of what you have in this thread:,473.15.html

I think what I saw was one of the other images of the C-135 version also shown in this thread.
blackstar said:
I've seen something similar to that AWACs proposal in the past few years. It was a bit of artwork in a journal, maybe International Air Review? I think it was the C-135 version, although for some reason I have it in my head that it was a C-141 version. Anyway, the artwork had the radome on the tail. That looks really cool, but structurally it's not a good idea. I think that the artwork I saw was not a cutaway, however. It was a different image than what you have. I'll look around for it.

The configuration of the radome on top of a forward slanted fin was reused in the exact same manner by Antonov on their An-71 prototype... ::)
blackstar said:
I think what I saw was one of the other images of the C-135 version also shown in this thread.

Or was it the C-130 image in this thread:,8117.0.html

which remarks on its similarity with the Antonov An-71?!
I did what I could to color-correct and fix the perspective. But the color correction was ruined by the bright spotlight in the middle; the perspective correction was hampered by the limited amount of "edge" visible.

1) Put it on your flatbed scanner anyway, give it a shot. I've had some occasional good luck with scanning large format transparencies just as regular images.
2) Get a sheet of something translucent, like white plastic or even white cloth. Get a solid cardboard box. Stretch the translucent material over one open end of the box. Tape the tranparency inside the box, against the translucent material. Take outside, hold it up to the sky (but not the sun), and photograph. Ta-da...


  • IMG_8604a.jpg
    203.7 KB · Views: 36
Stargazer2006 said:
blackstar said:
I've seen something similar to that AWACs proposal in the past few years. It was a bit of artwork in a journal, maybe International Air Review? I think it was the C-135 version, although for some reason I have it in my head that it was a C-141 version. Anyway, the artwork had the radome on the tail. That looks really cool, but structurally it's not a good idea. I think that the artwork I saw was not a cutaway, however. It was a different image than what you have. I'll look around for it.

The configuration of the radome on top of a forward slanted fin was reused in the exact same manner by Antonov on their An-71 prototype... ::)

I'm not familiar with that. I presume that it never went anywhere?

Also, isn't the radome supposed to generate its own lift? I suspect that putting a large lifting surface on the tail could have some bad consequences.
The things you least expect to find in Alexandria, Virginia...


What's this? A small nondescript grave?

I wonder who's buried there?


Why, just one of the greatest rocket scientists ever?

Also, note the American Flag and NASA Keychain, placed there by persons unknown...
The full Pslam is: "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."

So perhaps for Braun should read:

"I aim for the stars, but keep hitting London; and the Mittlewerk showeth my handywork."
RyanCrierie said:
The things you least expect to find in Alexandria, Virginia...

Why, just one of the greatest rocket scientists ever?

I was there a few years ago looking for his gravesite. Walked around, couldn't find it, stopped and looked around, bewildered at how we would find it and was about to give up, when my friend said, uh, it's right next to you. We had been standing next to it for five minutes. It's remarkably understated.

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