The Airforce of Ernestine duchy

Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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i work on AH/Comic story line about independent Duchy in center of Today Germany

i think you gonna like there airforce and if you can give me some advice or correct error, i would appreciated it greatly

Duchy History short form:
1918 the Duchy declare it independents in collabs of German Empire
during Weimarer Republic several German Aircraft company's open office in Duchy
to escape the strict disarmament conditions in the Treaty of Versailles,
(Fieseler, Gotha, Henschel & Son, Junkers & Co)
until Hitler becomes the Fuhrer Of Germany and want the Duchy "Return into Reich",
they refuse. so in 1939 the Wehrmacht invade the Duchy
December 1944 the inhabitant revolt with success against Third Reich
even conquer Nordhausen Mittelwerk and liberate concentration camp Buchenwald
and Hitler get to taste his Wunderwaffen, Berlin is attack with V1 & V2 from Nordhausen
April 1945 General Patton reach the Duchy
the Potsdam Conference consolidated the new boundaries of Duchy between West and East zones of occupation

V1 (as manned fighter) "Lilli"
during revolt they needed a Fighter/ground-attack aircraft.
but Wat they find were only unready Prototype like Gotha 229 or parts He 162 & Me 262
so they customize V1 with He 162 parts and weapon (based on JU EF126 "Lilli" design).
to keep The Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe on distance
This Aircraft evolved into popular low cost Alternative in thrid world, as "flying version of AK-47".
so popular that US Army takes Martin "Mighty Midget" to counter it.

Junkers "Warzenschwein"
they found in junkers Duchy office, plans for Ground Attack Plane without name
After the War they build the Jet baptized "Warzenschwein" (warthog).
famously know version is the "Tank puncher" with his 50 mmø MK 214 gun.

The Horten Brothers were "invited" to stay in Duchy
The Horten Ho IX ( Gotha 229 )
After the War they build the Jet in series in several version
as Fighter and heavy fighter/bomber. later also as STOL version with Upper surface blowing
in 1980 they accidental build from them, the first stealth aircraft by use of composites material.
much to annoyance of USA and USSR

The Ho X to XVIIB (I.A.e 37) supersonic fighters
first Ho X then several prototypes later, the final form Ho XVIIB
look like a Saab 35 Draken, with his performance

The Ho XVIIIC "The Big flying wing Bomber"
on order of duke, the Horten brothers had to adapt Ho XVIII Amerika Bomber poposal
now with range to 10000 km and cargo of over 24 tons
as Bomber or Transport and passenger plane for duke "private property" in South America and Pacific Ocean
in end Ho XVIIIC became bigges aircraft and the loudest of his time, no wonder has 4 turboprop with contra-rotating propellers!

and that for the 1950s
Duchy of Saxe-Eichsfeld-Werra (SEW)
keeps the Prussia military tradition high
and becomes after WW2 a regional Power
also a major weapon manufacturer

next to Aircraft like V1 Lilli, Ho IX, Warzenschwein
they mass produce the Assault rifle StG 47 (simplified more robust version of StG 44)
and 7.92x33mm Kurz rifle cartridge became popular.

on Rockets they produce there version of A-8 ("stretched" variant of the A-4 with storable propellants)
or Wasserfall Remote-Controlled A-A Rocket (in autumn 1944 a producktionline was install in Mittelwerk)
yes the same surface-to-air missile who shot down a CIA U-2 over Saxe-Eichsfeld-Werra in 1957
while take picture of SEW Nuclear Program (A-Bomb in may 1949, H-Bomb in 1952)
President Eisenhower was embarrassing as SEW ambassador came to Withe House in middle of night
and demanding explanation...
Back to History
with "time of the Duchy Rag-tag fleet"
in 1918 with collabs of German Empire, a lot of Officers refuse to surrendered
or give there Aircraft, Zeppelin or Ship to the Allies
so they ask for (political) asylum in independents Duchy of Saxe-Eichsfeld-Werra
at first the Allies (France and USA in particular) were angry
and demanded that Duchy subdue the Treaty of Versailles,
but the Duke had a trump card, there kindred of House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
there for have close bonds with Kingdoms of Belgium and Great Britain
so the it end in undecided inside the Allies and Political isolation of the Duchy by the League of Nations

1920 the Duchy got this
most Aircraft from Gothaer Waggonfabrik (they proverbial evacuated there Aircraft production site to Duchy)
and Junkers J series aircraft (Junkers install later a open office in Duchy)
from Zeppelin only a handfull make it to Duchy were they was maintained by Gotha Waggonfabrik
and modified for longrange fights with passengers or cargo.
Sadly the Zeppelin fleet not survived the Nazi occupation
on Order of Herman Göring the Fleet was dismantling and it aluminum used for aircraft production

in 1930s the Duchy recovert slowly from great Depression
they were consider antiquated because use of World War One Aircraft and Zeppelin
1930 the Fieseler Flugzeugbau was founded with open office in the Duchy
in same time the Weimarer Republic start to decay and rise of Nazi begins
1933 the Duke demand local Aircraft manufacturers to design a modern fighter aircraft to replace old ones
but Junkers drop out because the Nazi had takeover the company from Hugo Junkers
in same time Fieseler Flugzeugbau was threatened same fate as Junkers, so they move to Kassel
both keep there open offices in Duchy
in the end Gothaer Waggonfabrik build the Go 145 a biplane of wood and fabric
was way better as WW1 aircraft but was obsolete to Fighter of Luftwaffe during invasion of Duchy in 1939

during the Nazi occupation the duchy old Airfleet end up in Museums in Third Reich or as Luftwaffe training units.
Gothaer Waggonfabrik was force to build licence aircraft for Fieseler Flugzeugbau, Heinkel, Focker Wulf
and later to build a prototype The Horten Ho IX ( Gotha 229 )
the inhabitant of duchy forced to work in Nazi war Industry or join Army or Luftwaffe.
In 1944 the people witness the horror of SS workcamps and atrociously of Nordhausen Mittelwerk
the November 1944 the Duchy revolted against the Third Reich with success
but the price was high, the Duke Bernhard under house arrest in Potsdam is executed by SS
now race against time starts, the Duchy has to defend it self until the Allies arrive who are at Border of Third Reich.
the Duchy gathers all hardware they got in hands like Bf 109, Bf 110, Me 262, Fw 190 also parts of He 162
while the German Fighter/bomber were equal to Luftwaffe so they Need superior Aircraft
but Me 262 had engines problems so in need of "Jet" Fighter they modified V1 with He 162 cockpits and launch them from catapults
the Allies gave Airsupport and send The RAF Ernestine duchy unit (made from Exile Duchy) to Saxe-Eichsfeld-Werra
they include P-51 and the Hawker Typhoon, so the Duchy dump the most of Luftwaffe aircraft.
also land a Lancaster Bomber on Board the New Duke Arnhold of Saxe-Eichsfeld-Werra " (the Son of murder Duke Bernhard)
Note one of Pilots was Ken Adam as liaison officer betwen Allies and Duchy, later Adam work as production designer (Bond Movies)
and as industrial architect for Duchy after the war, see his Duchy Warroom and the vault of duchy Bank.

in march 1945 General Patton reach the Duchy and form a corridor to liberated Europe cutting the Third Reich in two piece.
"...Isn't that called Berlin?"
Ah, Michel is quite right and not only geometrically, Berlin is boondocks ! ;D


  • D.jpg
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Here a preliminary Map of Germany in 2007 with independents Duchy of Saxe-Eichsfeld-Werra
or in short form "Middle-Saxon" because it's lie between Lower Saxon and Saxon

also on map 2 Major City's of SEW
Nordhausen and its Capital: the lovely town of Höllental (Hellvalley)

OM said:
Michel Van said:
i work on AH/Comic story line about independent Duchy in center of Today Germany
...Isn't that called Berlin? :p
almost Right ;)
the Capital form a independent administrative district inside Germany

Jemiba said:
"...Isn't that called Berlin?"
Ah, Michel is quite right and not only geometrically, Berlin is boondocks ! ;D
Berlin in boondocks ? that town is build on swampland ::)


  • Middel-saxon-2007.jpg
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Would make more sense if the Duchy was located farther West, say along the French/German border near Luxemburg. That would allow the Duchy to be liberated by General Patton in November or December of 1944.
It would also help if the Duchy was integrated with Belgian ad French heavy industry.
All those old mining tunnels would be convenient places to conceal Hitler's Wunder Weapons.
Old coal mines could also provide all the synthetic gasoline they need to power their new weapons.
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