SNCASO SO.50 Four-Engined Monoplane Project

Great find ! Wing and empennage look similar to the So.71 bomber, which, with regards to Jean Cuny,
started during the years of German occupation as a "long range transport". No designation is given in
"Les Avions De Combat Francais", but to me it sounds plausible, as during those years work on military
projects had to be covered.
Jemiba said:
Great find ! Wing and empennage look similar to the So.71 bomber, which, with regards to Jean Cuny,
started during the years of German occupation as a "long range transport". No designation is given in
"Les Avions De Combat Francais", but to me it sounds plausible, as during those years work on military
projects had to be covered.

You are right my dear Jemiba,

it is transport aircraft,that is because,there is no guns or turret on the drawing.
In Le Fana no.213 (on SO.30) and 333 (on SO.800) the SO.50 is described as a cargo plane, studied by Fandeux in July 1940 and abandoned in March 1941.
On the Russian wikipedia page for SNCASO it states that the 'SO.50 - project of a four-engine transporter of the Fande design, work was stopped with the move to Cannes in 1941.'
On the Russian wikipedia page for SNCASO it states that the 'SO.50 - project of a four-engine transporter of the Fande design, work was stopped with the move to Cannes in 1941

It was abandoned in March 1941.

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