Skylark Skycraft of 1946

Mark Nankivil

ACCESS: Top Secret
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13 June 2007
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Good Day All -

An ad and a clip from a Skyways magazine article on new designs about the Skylark Skycraft 246 lightplane.

Aerofiles notes that there is no evidence that any were built.

Enjoy the Day! Mark


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Amazing find my dear Mark,

and here is its data;

Skycraft 246 1946 - 2pClwM; 115hp Continental; span: 36'0" length: 26'3" load: 710# v: 139/120/43 range: 445 ceiling: 12,500'. $3,800-4,200; POP: unknown if any were built in this designation, possibly was an evolutionary project. Wing had ailerons and flaps. 1946 aviation periodicals told of a "new twin-boom Skylark project" in three versions: 2p 246, 4p 446, and 5p 546. When the prototype appeared, it was as 447, with model number amended to fit the year.
At least one example was actually built. Often named the Model 447, a photo is attached.
Also attached a copy of the company brochure naming the company Skycraft Industries, Inc.
It 4-seat Model 447 (N25607) was developed from the unbuilt Model 246 two-seater.
Planned versions were the Model 445, 446 and 447 with engines such as 190hp Lycoming O-435, 190hp Franklin 6AC. I understand all models were to feature socalled rollerons (equivalent of the devices later known as flaperons) and upper wing spoilers. Info is conflicting. N25607 if also seen named the Model 446 with s/n 1000 and apparently built in 1946 and the manufacturer are also seen as Skylark Manufacturing Co, Inc, Skycrafters Industries, Inc and as Skylark Industries, Inc . Engine was a 190hp Lycoming O-435. Apparently the 447 still existed around 1999 when reports emerged there were plane to fit a Continental IO-550 engine. Did this ever happen??

PS: photo will come in seperate post.
Photos of 447 and brochure


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There was also a small feature on that airplane in the American Aviation Historical Society Journal, Fall 2009.

Here's a page from that article, a reproduction of what was probably their 1945 brochure ("Model 545").


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Thank you Skyblazer for the Model 545 brochure.
I have for a long time listed the aircraft as the Skycraft (manufacturer) Skylark (aircraft), but are now tempted to change this to Skylark Skycraft. When the brochure on the 246 appeared the company advertised as Skylark and Skyblazer`s brochure of the 545 also mentions the company as Skylark.
Since the 246 was the first and 545 apparently the final model, both were promoted by Skylark (in one form or another).
And then to realize this was a design of which obviously only a single example (the 447) was built.
I am willing to change my mind (again) if credible reasoning is offered :-\
walter said:
I have for a long time listed the aircraft as the Skycraft (manufacturer) Skylark (aircraft), but are now tempted to change this to Skylark Skycraft.

Oh, to me it was definitely the Skylark company and the Skycraft model, no doubt!
Skyblazer said:
walter said:
I have for a long time listed the aircraft as the Skycraft (manufacturer) Skylark (aircraft), but are now tempted to change this to Skylark Skycraft.

Oh, to me it was definitely the Skylark company and the Skycraft model, no doubt!

I would agree! Mark
From Decollage 8/1946.


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