Sikorsky S-70 "Maple Hawk" SAR proposal replacing Voyageur


ACCESS: Top Secret
18 June 2008
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Does anyone here have an old Sikorsky graphical artists impression of proposed S-70 CanHawk proposal to the Canadian DND , I did see it on Sikorsky’s site in late 90s.

Or does anyone have a poster proposing the CanHawk?

RavenOne said:
Or does anyone have a poster proposing the CanHawk?

According to this page, the CH-160M Can Hawk was supposed to be a Canadian version of the MH-60M, not a SAR version.
That's a much more recent proposal. RavenOne is asking about the S-70 variant offered in the 1990s for the SAR mission that I believe was ultimately filled by EH101s.
TomS said:
That's a much more recent proposal. RavenOne is asking about the S-70 variant offered in the 1990s for the SAR mission that I believe was ultimately filled by EH101s.

Oh, okay. It's the "Can Hawk" name that misled me. The SAR proposal was called the "Maple Hawk" and was meant to fill a requirement for 15 search and rescue helicopters. It was offered in September 1996. It was apparently turned down because of insufficient cabin space.
I remember that they also had to do some tricky design to meet the door opening height or some such requirement. Or was that a different go around? (So many tries at the Canadian SAR requirement that it's hard to keep track.)
TomS said:
(So many tries at the Canadian SAR requirement that it's hard to keep track.)

You got that right, we're still waiting after fifteen years for the helicopters Chretien signed us up for ----
Thanks guys, I meant Maplehawk...

So if anyone has a copy of the Sikorsky high res artist simpression of the yellow MapheHawk it be appreciated?


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