Ray Bradbury passes away

Grey Havoc

Senior Member
9 October 2009
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His daughter, Alexandra Bradbury, says her father, who received the U.S. National Medal of Arts in 2004, passed away in his Los Angeles home on Tuesday night at the age of 91.

Bradbury was born in Illinois in 1920, a direct descendant of Mary Bradbury, one of those hanged as a witch in the Salem witch trials in Massachusetts in 1692. He began writing short stories in his teens, and his first, Hollerbochen's Dilemma, was published in 1938

Tributes paid to sci-fi author Ray Bradbury (BBC News)

Sci-fi legend Ray Bradbury dies (CNN.com)
Despite the future-looking advances in his writing, Bradbury didn’t always run with technology himself. “I don’t use [a computer],” he told an interviewer in 1990. “I can write faster on a typewriter than you can on a computer. I do 120 words a minute, and you can’t do that on a computer. So, I don’t need anything. That’s plenty fast.”

But about the technology and futures he imagined? In that same interview, he called science fiction “the most important fiction ever invented.”

“People haven’t given it credit,” he went on to say. “Because it has to do with the history of ideas. Of dreaming an idea, birthing an idea, blueprinting an idea, making it into a fact. And then moving on, to the next idea. The history of science fiction started in the caves 20,000 years ago. The ideas on the walls of the cave were problems to be solved. It’s problem solving. Primitive scientific knowledge, primitive dreams, primitive blueprinting: to solve problems.”

He write so wonderful story like

Fahrenheit 451
the illustrated Man
Martian Chronicle
Something Wicked this way comes

and for this occasion as animation video
There will fall soft rains
RIP, Mr.Bradbury... :(

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