President Trump - comments or views about the US system from around the world

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Interested 3rd party
14 December 2015
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It's been about 18 hours since we found out that the United States of America will be led by President Trump rather than President Clinton for the next four years. It's quite an unexpected turn of events given the conventional wisdom espoused by the media and professional prognosticators.

As this is an international forum of thoughtful, articulate and insightful individuals I'm particularly interested in capturing some idea of your reactions, expectations or personal stories of this extraordinary and historical event. If you decide to participate, please consider questions such as e.g.

1. first thoughts when you heard the news,
2. the current skuttle-butt on how this may affect your country or region (if at all),
3. the view of the US election process or Electoral College system,
4. does anyone really care and
5. the country from which you hail.

Thank you for your consideration.
All relevant questions, however, not for this forum IMHO. If there are specific questions or commentary on US defense and aerospace systems, defense spending priorities etc. it would be more appropriate.
While I suspect it would be interesting to see the range of opinions and see what, if any, conclusions and correlations could be made... realistically, No Good Will Come Of This.

As much as that steaming pile of incompetency, Barack Obama, inspired vitriol, Trump seems like to be even more inspirational. So it's probably best to not bring up purely political or partisan topics, as people are liable to go on and on about what a corrupt money-grubbing power-mad conscience-free sleazebag Hillary Clinton is and how we are so much better off without her plague-riddled hand on the steering wheel of the nation.

We wouldn't want that.
As soon, as aviation, naval or general military themes are directly affected, this theme
surely will be mentioned in the appropriate threads (is it necessary to point to our
"code of conduct" with regards to politics here ? ... ;) ), but as a seperate topic, I
agree, that it isn't suitable for this forum.
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