Post War European Warship projects


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
2 January 2006
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We all know of cancelled projects for the likes of the US, UK & Soviet Navies, but wondered what European warship projects had been cancelled in the likes of West Germany, France, Italy, Spain & Holland ?.

I know there have been a number of speculative designs intended for export but wondered what there was in the way of cancelled projects or losing projects for official requirements ?.

I know of the French PA-58, PA-75 and of course still in limbo PA-2, plus there is the NATO NGF program from the 90's but I don't recall much else on the subject ? ???
There were at least 15 different StandardFlex proposals ranging from a 500t FAC to a 3500t Frigate.
I've also seen a couple of other frigate proposals, one submarine a handful of FACs and a few auxiliaries, aall for the Royal Danish Navy
An excellent website with drawings and forums for all manner of warships and supporting aircraft is Shipbucket

It has an excellent series of drawings of various Nations projects under the Neverbuilt ships category both in

its lists and forums.

It features the German Navy's Missile Corvette and the Italian "Trieste-Italia" missile cruiser amongst others

Not so much French stuff though.
Thorvic said:
We all know of cancelled projects for the likes of the US, UK & Soviet Navies, but wondered what European warship projects had been cancelled in the likes of West Germany, France, Italy, Spain & Holland ?.

I know there have been a number of speculative designs intended for export but wondered what there was in the way of cancelled projects or losing projects for official requirements ?.

I know of the French PA-58, PA-75 and of course still in limbo PA-2, plus there is the NATO NGF program from the 90's but I don't recall much else on the subject ? ???

For Spain there are a gazillion projects, most of which never left the drawing board:

- Littorio class battleships in WW2
- Heavy cruisers and carriers in the same time frame
- conversion of Canarias to an aircraft carrier
- Spruance class DDs in the 70s
- Air defence frigates based on the Descubierta class

etc, etc.
For Spain there are a gazillion projects, most of which never left the drawing board:

Clemanceau carriers and Leander frigates too

I 'll scan and post the Canarias carrier conversion

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