Panzer IV & T-60 crossbred abomination


ACCESS: Confidential
1 July 2019
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Hello all.

This first came to my attention via an April Fools article:

The photo that was provided though seemed too good to be a photoshop, so I did a little digging and found myself on a Russian forum page:

I realized the photo was backward, so I dug deeper. I ended up with the following photo, which I believe to be the original:

So, I am left with more questions than answers. Is this presumable tank field-modification real, or just an excellent work of photoshop? Could the perspective be wrong and the turret is simply resting on the T-60's chassis, rather than being attached? What do you all think?

That looks rather posed to me, what are the relevant turret rings for those vehicles? I think you'll find the answer there.
That looks rather posed to me, what are the relevant turret rings for those vehicles? I think you'll find the answer there.

The T-60 had a 900 mm turret ring inside diameter (offset to port, with engine to starboard). The PzKpfw IV turret ring diameter
was 1650 mm (not sure that is an inside diameter - sources vary). So, no, this cannot be a turret swap.

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