Oh good lord

Mike Pryce

ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
21 December 2006
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Nick Harvey, UK Armed Forces Minister, explains how no plane has flown from a UK carrier 'since 2003' (and is not sure if anything has):


Not true, although Labour did cut such flying back to silly levels post 2006, with Afghan Harrier commitments and the Sea Harriers retired. But if the lie is believed then the absence of planes on carriers for the next few years seems more plausible, and makes selling Ark Royal online OK it seems. See: http://www.edisposals.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP.enfinity/WFS/Disposals-Public-Site/en_US/-/GBP/ViewProductDetail-Start;pgid=MieqQ4wkQg8000ArvQ_8K1sp0000X22WalAF?ProductUUID=eIDAqBIQIhQAAAEupZZcNt5o&CatalogCategoryID=VaLAqBELPagAAAED8GeasfoP&JumpTo=OfferList

Blimey, what a shambles.
If ever a government was headed for the rocks.... ::)
I don't usually approve of 'language' but in this case it would seem to me to be most appropriate. Bravo!

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