NASA NTRS, the 2012 blitz Wolf, and lost documents


Senior Member
6 June 2006
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For those who don't know... In 2012 Congressman frank Wolf went into a paranoid and entirely stupid crusade against NASA and the NTRS.

Indeed, the FBI had proof that a chinese spy was stealing America top secrets using his laptop.

End result:

a) Frank Wolf went bonkers (or maybe it was his ordinary state of mind, case still standing)and got NASA shutting down NTRS for a major review, just in case some highly advanced technology hide inside old NACA documents, vintage 1953.


(on this picture you can see Senator Wolf angrily looking at the chinese spy who was actually... a pig).

b) at the end of the day, the "chinese spy" only had porn on its laptop


NASA being NASA, not only did they never put back all the documents (Bellcomm memos, where are you thou ?) but what they put back, they screwed the URLs.

End result:

Broken, broken, broken links.

Presently looking for the (cute name !) Lockheed MIMOSA study.

So if anybody has these documents, please post them here (although attachement size is limited - will do the same at NASAspaceflight).
Some documents are still available through
Ok, so this is a search of NTRS documents posted by @Triton

Same for @Graham1973

I'll try something: cutting and pasting some of their dead links at the Internet archive, and see whether I can get the Pdfs. I noticed recently it seems to work well.
(which would exactly means, in passing, that Blitz Wolf gutting of the NTRS served no purpose - as chinese spies certainly knows the trick I've just mentionned)
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