Mysterious spanish battleship or battlecruiser

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28 February 2021
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Andrés López (from "Proyectos y prototipos españoles" on facebook) talked in 2018 about a painting in the maritime museum of barcelona in which an unidentified battleship or battlecruiser is portrayed. He said this:

"No hay ningún dato sobre sus características ni fecha. Es más, si uno repasa los diferentes proyectos navales no encontrará ninguno donde se planee la construcción de un "superacorazado". Observando el cuadro se puede ver un buque de grandes dimensiones, posiblemente con cinco torres dobles. Al tener tres chimeneas y una silueta muy larga, parece que podría alcanzar gran velocidad, por eso me hace pensar que podría tratarse de un crucero de batalla y no de un acorazado."

"There is no data on its characteristics or date. What's more, if you review the different naval projects you will not find any where the construction of a "super battleship" is planned. Looking at the painting you can see a large ship, possibly with five double towers. Having three funnels and a very long silhouette, it seems that it could reach great speed, which is why it makes me think that it could be a battlecruiser and not a battleship."

Any more information or ideas?


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BTW, probably you missed to expand the full text in the post

"El único proyecto español de un buque de este tipo, data de 1921 y era el 778A y el 778B. De 46.,500 toneladas y 33 nudos de velocidad, pero por el numero de torres (3 dobles o triples) no se correspondería con la imagen"

"The only Spanish project for a ship of this type dates back to 1921 and was the 778A and 778B. Of 46,500 tons and 33 knots of speed, but due to the number of towers (3 double or triple) it would not correspond with the image"

It seems Andrés López wasn't mistaken with his guessing...

Vickers Battlecruiser design 778 info:

If nobody can identify it for sure I'll contact the museum for more information.
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BTW, probably you missed to expand the full text in the post

"El único proyecto español de un buque de este tipo, data de 1921 y era el 778A y el 778B. De 46.,500 toneladas y 33 nudos de velocidad, pero por el numero de torres (3 dobles o triples) no se correspondería con la imagen"

"The only Spanish project for a ship of this type dates back to 1921 and was the 778A and 778B. Of 46,500 tons and 33 knots of speed, but due to the number of towers (3 double or triple) it would not correspond with the image"

It seems the Andrés López wasn't mistaken with his guessing...

Vickers Battlecruiser design 778 info:

If nobody can identify it for sure I'll contact the museum for more information.
True, I missed that part, sorry. I'll try searching in the online collection of the museum
Very small resolution, try to get a larger one, but it is very American looking, gives a Lexington like look with some standard BB elements.
But in my opinion it is an artist impression of one the never built USN Capital ships based on limited info.
I'm Andrés López and the Spanish Projects and Prototypes page is mine. That ship seems inspired by the Lexington battlecruiser designed in 1918, but larger. I would rule out that it was a real project.


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Pleased to meet you Andrés. Your unbuilt project research at Facebook is great.

The picture has a resemblance with the Lexington designs but Spanish Navy bought British designs during the early XX Century. Is there any drawing of that mentioned Vickers 778 Battlecruiser?

Probably the best solution would be to email or visiting the museum. I'll see what can I find.
Thank you. I have never found any plans of unbuilt Spanish battleships. I can only get an idea of the Spanish Littorio and the Felipe II. For me, the biggest mystery is the four battleships of the Salvador Carvia Plan.
Thank you. I have never found any plans of unbuilt Spanish battleships. I can only get an idea of the Spanish Littorio and the Felipe II. For me, the biggest mystery is the four battleships of the Salvador Carvia Plan.

I have not hear of the Felipe II

The information I have seen for the Carvia battleships is:

25-28000 tons
12-6" guns
6-3.9" guns
24 Knots

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