Mobile Land-Based Phalanx Weapon System


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21 April 2009
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Mobile Land-Based Phalanx Weapon System Completes Live-Fire Demo
Published on ASDNews: Dec 3, 2010

Yuma Proving Ground, Ariz. - Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) and Oshkosh Corp., partnering with the U.S. Army and Navy, proved the maneuverability, integration and performance of the Mobile Land-Based Phalanx Weapon System during a recent live-fire demonstration.

The MLPWS integrates the combat-proven Centurion Land-Based Phalanx Weapon System on a Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT) A3. All functions of the Centurion design featuring the Phalanx Block 1B are maintained on the MLPWS, which provides a more flexible component to the U.S. Army's Counter-Rocket, Artillery and Mortar initiative.

"We met or exceeded every objective of the demonstration," said Diane Misiak, Raytheon's Close-In Weapon Systems director. "The system successfully tracked, engaged and destroyed nine inert mortars. MLPWS also maneuvered more than 28 miles on paved and off-road conditions without any damage to the system. All MLPWS functions were integrated with the HEMTT platform and performed flawlessly."

In the MLPWS configuration, Phalanx uses a 20 mm M61A1 Gatling gun that fires M-940 self-destruct rounds at a rate of 4,500 shots per minute. The system features an advanced search and track radar with closed-loop spotting technology that enables autonomous target detection and engagement. Phalanx can be interfaced with other sensors and systems to provide overarching protection of high-value sites on the ground.
I would have an anti-ambush/counter sniper version called the "Streetsweeper" All that would be left would be teeth and eyeballs. :D
This is just C-RAM on a truck, yes?

I'll be more impressed when they can get full C-RAM/Phalanx functionality on something akin to the old M-113/Vulcan platform. Maybe a Striker or a Bradley.
I'd like a Goalkeeper (with repackaged sensors) on an M-1 chassis. :eek: It'd be pretty fearsome pointed at ground targets too.
sferrin said:
I'd like a Goalkeeper (with repackaged sensors) on an M-1 chassis.

Video for OBB - Feline stealth/camouflage experiments
I can make my fortune with this. While it gives me the creeps when people dress up their cats and dogs in "cute little outfits," I think a ghillie suit for cats just might be the awesomest thing ever.
I'd like a Goalkeeper (with repackaged sensors) on an M-1 chassis.

Hmmm.... runs off to profile machine...

I think it might - just - fit, but the magazine will have to be out in the turret bustle.

Re: Mobile Land-Based Weapon System

"I don't need no steenkin' camouflage !!"

( GingerBits' week's bag: Two seagulls, a kestrel and a full-grown grey squirrel ;- )


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