MiG-31 production restart?


ACCESS: Top Secret
9 January 2010
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Back in 2013 the russian parlament was discussing whether or not to restart production of MiG-31. Let's suppose for a moment they decide to restart production (apparently it would have cost 800 million to do so), is there any info if the new production MiG-31s would have been based on the MiG-31M or legacy MiG-31B airframe? And any other details like what radar, engines etc.?
i think under current circumstances, Russia is unable to restart the Production of MiG-31

They at war with Ukraine and allot financing goes into that.
They under international boycott, leading to bottleneck in production do missing parts order from foreign countries.
Other issue what is from MiG factory left ? it's over after 30 years since end of cold war,
Also are MiG working on MiG-41 the replacement of MiG-31, ready for year 2028 ?

Next to that, there several special project on high priority, what in certain way could label as Wunderwaffen.
like Torpedo with 100 megaton warhead and it carrier sub, or those nuclear power cruise missile.
leading to lack of financing for MiG-31 production restart.
That's not what i asked and 2023 or Ukraine or the western emargo is completely irrelevant to this ATL, the discussion took place in 2013 that is 10 years ago. All i would want to know is if they decided to restart production back in 2013, what configuration would it be, either based on MiG-31B or MiG-31M?
Thanks for that insight, if someone would know what MiG-MAPO would be capable of it's you. :)

That being said, that 800 million figure was vehiculated as the cost of setting a production line, so i guess it would have been possible though difficult and expensive.

I think i've read older articles arguing that Tu-160 production restart would have been impossible or too expensive or whatever, but here we are, they are in production.

Back at this MiG-31M2, i suppose some new materials might be used in the structure, maybe a FBW system, engines with increased power and life etc. in general leveraging on the technologies developed for the MiG-35 family. Maybe a MAWS like Su-35, MiG-35 or Su-57, an ECM system like Khibiny (i saw a drawing in the recent MiG-31 Aerofax book of either MiG-31F or FE which was based on the B airframe but with wingtip ECM pods like the M). The radar could be either a super Zaslon, or maybe an Irbis with an even bigger antenna array, or even a large Zhuk AESA, space would certainly not be a problem in MiG-31s nose.
Having restarted Tu-160 production, is there enough uncommited capital to restart Mig-31 production too?
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Having restarted Tu-160 production, is there enough uncommited capital to restart Mig-31 production too?
Coming at this from a position of complete ignorance of the subject matter: when MiG 31 production was ended, was the tooling and staff dispensed with? How about the TU 160? It *may* *be* that TU 160 production capabilities might have been shut down, or drastically slowed down, but not thrown away, while the ability to make MiG 31s was sent to the scrap pile. A TU 160 factory that's still standing, no matter how dusty and forgotten, is an infinitely better starting point than *nothing.*
From a different angle slightly, apparently the B1-B tooling was shunted into storage and just forgotten, believed destroyed/scrapped. That has been found apparently.
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From a different angle slightly, apparently the B1-B toolong was shunted into storage and just forgotten, believed destroyed/scrapped. That has been found apparently.
I remember see pictures of such outside in a field......or was that F111 tooling?
I do not agree that my last post was off topic.
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You posted

From a different angle slightly, apparently the B1-B tooling was shunted into storage and just forgotten, believed destroyed/scrapped. That has been found apparently.

This is an offtopic aside to an offtopic aside and you acknowledge this by starting the post as you did.

Having said this, I would let it stay for a week or so and then potentially remove later on, or rename the topic according to a broader discussion of aircraft tooling retention.
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