LIPNUR X-08 Manjang helicopter


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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the Indonesian LIPNUR X-08 Manjang was a single seat light
helicopter,powered by one 100 ho vertical-installed Cont.
flat-four engine,with reduction gear and starting clutch
and freewheel.
It had external dimensions as; diameter of main rotor 6.40m,
diameter of tail rotor 1.22m,length 7.77m,height 2.51m and
width 1.98m,estimated top speed was 145 km/h.


  • X-08.JPG
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Hi. It looks like a modified Commuter helicopter. I also found a few Indonesian (I believe) pages which states that it was made by organization called (or abbreviated to form: Lembaga Persiapan Industri Penerbangan) LAPIP and the name was Mayang (not Manjang).

Also the first flight is mentioned to take place on March 25th, 1964.

See the sources:

Does anyone have some more info on it?
Nice find Persil,

and maybe there was a more Info in JAWA 1969,but I am not in my house
now,and LAPIP is new for me ?!.
Could be. I do have on my PC extracted texts from Flight International archives - it was up to the recent time available on-line, sadly at the moment it is not available; flight global claims they are moving it to the new system. Anyway, in the text of the issue from the January 5th, 1970, there is some info which most likely relates to that helicopter, but I am not sure as those texts in PDFs were auto generated by some OCR software, and there are mistakes:
Nurtanio Aircraft Industry
Pangkalan Udara Utama Husein


Lupnur X -OS Manjang This single-seater main/
tail rotor helicopter was due to be completed
during 1969. It is of lattice girder design with
a small glazed nacelle and a vertically mounted
100 h.p. Continental driving a two-bladed
Rotor dfa 21ft; length 25ft 6in; height 8ft Sin;
weight empty 850lb, max 1,1501b; max speed 78kt;
max climb 1,500ft/min.

I cannot verify this by my eye in the PDF as it is not available.
LAPIP and LIPNUR are the same thing. It was founded in 1961 as Lembaga Persiapan Industri Penerbangan, or Aviation Industry Preparation Institute, LAPIP, and in 1966 renamed as Lembaga Industri Penerbangan Nurtanio, or Nurtanio Aviation Industry Institute, LIPNUR. Nurtanio was Indonesian aiviation pioneer who died that year and the institution was named in his honor. After two more renames the company is now PT Dirgantara Indonesia aka Indonesian Aerospace.

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