Lego Secret Projects?

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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Noticing that Lego has just produced a set of figures and venue from the old US series FRIENDS, which looks seriously odd but that is another matter, I wondered what Secret Projects would lend themselves to Lego.
I do have an old Spanish lookalike set called Tente which allowed me to make a sort of CVA01 and various other ships
Good clue ! Tente seems to produce reasonable ship hulls, contrary to Lego.
I'm wondering, when the first ship yard will present their projects with such models to the admiralty,
giving the brass the opportunity to change those designs ad hoc and certainly making those presentations
much mor fun ! ;)
Excellent idea.
My first encounter with Lego was as a child in the early 60s. It was very expensive in the UK and besides my father was of the Meccano generation. Though he did but me a building set called Arkitex.
Anyway, I got into trouble because the mother of the children I was playing with was a pacifist and was appalled when I turned the red and white Lego pieces into a passable representation of the US B47 bombers then stationed around Oxfordshire. I was a very unpleasant child...
The modern Lego has produced a detailed model of the Saturn V covered elsewhere on this site.
Tente was a great find, and I am glad I still have my set.
Lego was used during military training, a few people in the team, one gets to go and look at a built model, comes back describes 4 blocks to the 'storeman', storeman goes to the stores, describes the blocks, brings them to the builder - the comms person (who doesn't see the bricks brought back) then tells the builder person how to build. Repeat 10 times, Usual result is absolute chaos. At the end the instructor reveals the master model. Teaches teamwork, apparently.....
Fluff (name of UK disc jockey Alan Freeman in the 60s) this is a truly wonderful link.
I think I am going to have fun with this link. Nurse, the screens and no visitors for the next couple of hours..

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