Gyrojet Scorpion S3 airborne surveillance autogyro


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25 June 2009
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FARN10: Introducing the 'Gyrojet' -- part autogyro, part jet

Stephen Trimble
on July 19, 2010

Grasping at an opening in the market for a low-cost platform optimised for the booming aerial surveillance market, UK-based Gyrojet is single-handedly attempting to revive the autogyro.
The privately financed aerospace start-up is using the Farnborough air show to publicly reveal the Scorpion S3, a concept aircraft quietly in development since 2004.

The aircraft features a rotor mast that sweeps forward from the empennage at its base to the centre of gravity at the rotor hub, locately directly over the pilot's seat. In this configuration, the rotor mast doubles as a vertical stabiliser, with the rudder blended into the trailing edge. As an autogyro, the rotor mast is not required to contain a helicopter's bulky drive train and gearbox.

The aircraft can be powered in forward flight with either a piston or a gas turbine, says James Robb, sales and marketing director for Gyrojet advanced autogyros.

The company believes many law enforcement agencies want an aerial platform less costly to operate than a helicopter and with a more-effective low-speed envelope than a fixed-wing aircraft, Robb says. The Scorpion, a tail-dragger, takes-off after a short roll and requires a 25kt wind to remain airborne.

The aircraft model has successfully cleared wind tunnel testing, with the design proving more stable than initially hoped, says Robb. Deliveries could begin as early as 2012, and letters of intent from new customers are expected shortly by company officials.

Source: Stephen Trimble's The DEW Line


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[IMAGE CREDIT: GyroJet/ Tangent Link]

It is with all this in mind that GyroJet has designed the futuristic looking two-man Scorpion S3 autogyro, being built specifically as a surveillance aircraft with a full glass cockpit. It will house a centre-mounted Electrio Optical/Infra Red FLIR or L3 WESCAM turret which can be lowered down from inside the fuselage when required for use.

The company also says the S3 will bring some fleet operators a 75% saving on their variable costs whilst also reducing their carbon footprint by up to 60%. The capital cost saving of replacing an existing helicopter platform with the Scorpion S3, would expect to be in the region of 70%. A S3 prototype is expected to make its first flight in Spring, 2013.

The S3 will accommodate a pilot and an operator, the capability of flying between 25-150 knots, have an endurance of four hours and be able to take off vertically. With defence budgets being slashed all over the world, even though the ground threat is never likely to go away, the S3 sounds like a great solution. Furthermore with many states not allowing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to fly in their airspace the manned S3 would be an ideal alternative! TANGENT LINK
From the GyroJet Limited website:

Max Take Off Weight 1500Kg – crew rated at 120kg each
Max endurance 4 hours
Max range 640nm – no external fuel tanks
Cruise Speed 150Kts – no external stores
Surveillance Equip Up to 16” diameter EO/IR Turret – Retractable on S3
ARS – Churchill Navigation
Winglets for additional stores – Sensors, Fuel, Floats

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