Frank Tinsley's amazing 1953 Firecopter !


Senior Member
25 June 2009
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Before illustrator, comic strip artist and science fiction writer Frank Tinsley became famous for his visions of spaceships and space exploration, he was active illustrating (and sometimes as is the case here, writing articles) for popular science magazines. Although it did not emanate from the aviation industry and is therefore more of a fantasy item than a real project, I'm sure you will agree that his 1953 "Firecopter" not only was a very soon design, but that it was also extremely attractive. I think it would make for a heckuva plastic model with accompanying diorama!

Source: "Why Don't We Have...Firecopters?" by Frank Tinsley, Mechanix Illustrated, August 1953


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It is a good idea. Prior to science-fiction writing turning into psychological navel gazing, it featured hardware that, at the very least, seemed plausible. Going off-topic here, but Honda's Asimo just needs a gun put in its hands and voila, a South Korean border guard. It may not be practical dollar wise but is doable.

Thanks for the image.

It must have one hell of a flight control system to control the reactions from the water jets. Which is one of the reasons it remains just a concept/fantasy. ;)
In my opinion its not a good design. Too unstable in flight, too vulnerable to the explosions/shrapnels from the fire, not very efficient with the long deployment time...
In my opinion its not a good design. Too unstable in flight, too vulnerable to the explosions/shrapnels from the fire, not very efficient with the long deployment time...

but nowadays it would a UAV...

Do you reckon they considered attaching it to a power supply to on the ground via the water umbilical?
How about using pressurised water as tip jet propulsion? Simply hover it above the building :p
I agree that it would make sense for that to be vtol.
I've thought a bit about this, and there's two problems that I can see.
First, you're going to need a *huge* pump to get all that water up there, given that the hose diameter is
necessarily limited.
This leads to the second problem; the pressure in said hose is going to be enormous,
so much so that the hose will be effectively rigid. This will severely restrict the manouvering options of the
aerial platform.
Then there's the weight of the hose, especially if, as the article states, it's to be 'armoured and fire resistant'.

This concept pre-visions some of the fire-fighting equipment hung under modern Sikorsky Skycranes. They drag a large hose in nearby lakes. Water pressure created by forward motion forces water up the snorkel and into the belly-mounted tank. They fly over a forest fire and dump all the water in one shot.
Fixed wing water bombers use similar techniques to pick up water from lakes close to fires.

The latest Bambi Buckets can be fitted with hoses and pumps to draw water from shallow reservoirs, creeks, etc.
The design has definite 'modern' aspects. The details are also 'modern.' So yes, this is plausible.

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