Early Army Air Service tests of Martin Bomber carrying SE-5 detachable fuselage and parachute


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25 June 2009
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From Air Service Information Circular Vol.II No.160 (September 1920):
Tests of the detachable fuselage and parachute have been completed . This apparatus consists of means for detaching the fuselage of a single- seater airplane immediately in front of the pilot's cockpit. It is operated by the opening of two parachutes carried in the tail of the fuselage, the functioning of the parachutes separating the pilot and rear end of the fuselage from the wings, landing gear and engine in the event of an accident. The test was conducted by mounting an SE-5 fuselage on the right wing tip of a Martin Bomber. The test was conducted at 3,000 ft. altitude with sand bags in the cockpit of the detachable fuselage. The operation was satisfactory, but no further development is contemplated at present.
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