CWL Aircraft and Projects


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26 May 2006
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Re: CWL WZ-IX Pteranodon Bomber Project

With that name "Pteranodon" I was expecting a Dino-plane :D :D :D

Thanks for the link hesham. I always can see another project from this period.

Mr. Wladyslaw Zalewski was a well known designer of early Polish aeronautical period,he created his first airplane,the WZ-I,it was a
historical biplane powered by either 20 or 28 hp engine,followed
by WZ-II,a glider of 1912,the WZ-III & WZ-IV was a two-seat quadruplanes,intended for recce role,powered by one 80 hp Gnome
Lambda and 100 hp Gnome Monosoupape B-2 engine respectively.

The WZ-V was also two-seat recce quadruplane airplane of 1917,
powered by one 220 hp Renault engine,the WZ-VI was heavy bomber Project,powered by four 200 hp engines,the WZ-VII was a single seat quadruplane fighter Project of 1919,powered by 100 hp Le Rhone 9 engine,the WZ-VIII De-Ze-Pe was tandem two-seat observation biplane Project,powered by one 360 hp Rolls Royce engine.

We spoke about the WZ-IX Pteranodon in early of this topic and the
WZ-X was a two-seat recce biplane of 1926,powered by one 450 hp engine,the WZ-XI Kogutek I was shoulder high-wing sporting and light monoplane of 1927,finally the WZ-XII Kogutek II & WZ-XIV Kogutek III
was a single seat sporting and light high-wing monoplanes of 1937.



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Heavy bomber plane project. Poland / Russia,

During World War I, Władysław Zalewski served as a mechanic in the workshops of the 2nd Aviation Park, stationed first in Warsaw and then in Smolensk. The technical head of these workshops was Vladimir Saviev, a former employee of the Russko-Bałtijskij Wagonnyj Zawod factory, where he worked on the construction of Sikorski's planes. In mid-1915, Sawielew and Zalewski established cooperation. Sawielew had the idea of building a bomber more powerful than "Ilia Muromiec", but - thanks to a five- or six-plane arrangement - of smaller dimensions. He proposed Zalewski to design and build such an airplane.
The drawings of the plane they developed in Smolensk come from September 19, 1915. They present a two-seater, four-wing bomber plane, in the front - in the fuselage axis - armed with a machine gun. The authors of the project assumed that the aircraft, with three Cheneau engines of 184-191 kW, would develop a speed of 135 km / h over a distance of 1,800 km.

Zalewski put forward a proposal to start joint work from the construction of a small single-engine four-wing in order to gain experience and check the concept. In April 1916, the construction of such S.Z.-1 (WZ-III) aircraft was completed.



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also this designer created an ornithopter plane and a two biplane
and monoplane Fighter Projects,powered by a pusher propeller
mounted at the second half of the fuselage in very strange shape,
concepts of 1922-23.

More Info,
in the years 1922-1923, Władysław Zalewski developed preliminary designs for two fighter planes with a four-bladed propeller in the fuselage behind the cockpit and a machine gun in the front of the fuselage.

The first of them, a biplane, powered by a 220 kW (300 HP) Hispano Suiza engine, with Lamblin radiators under the wings, and the second - a monoplane. These projects have not been implemented.

Technical data biplane fighter (according to [1]):
Span - 8.6 m, length - 5.8 m, height - 2.6 m, bearing surface - 22 m2.
Total weight - 950 kg.

Technical data of the monoplane fighter (according to [1]):
Span - 10.0 m, length - 6.5 m, height - 2.5 m, bearing surface - 12.5 m2.



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