
Senior Member
26 May 2006
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Maveric said:
Sorry, hesham the Serie 30 was given to the Österreichisch-Ungarische Flugzeugfabrik Aviatik GmbH.

Yes my dear Maveric,

you are right,and here is the series;

30.01 DDAV.01 recce
30.02 DDAV.02 recce
30.03 DDAV.03 recce
30.04 B.II military aircraft
30.05 B.I military aircraft
30.06 C observation
30.07 G bomber
30.08 Knoller AV recce
30.09 Knoller AV recce
30.10 Knoller AV observation
30.11 C.I observation
30.12 C.II observation
30.13 C.III observation
30.14 DD fighter
30.15 DD fighter
30.16 DD fighter
30.17 G bomber
30.18 G bomber
30.19 D fighter
30.20 D fighter
30.21 D fighter
30.22 D fighter
30.23 G bomber
30.24 DR triplane fighter
30.25 C.I observation
30.26 C observation
30.27 D fighter
30.28 C observation
30.29 D fighter
30.30 D fighter
30.31 D fighter
30.32 D fighter
30.33 ----------?
30.34 G bomber
30.35 ----------?
30.36 ----------?
30.37 ----------?
30.38 D fighter
30.39 D fighter
30.40 d fighter
OK my dear Jemiba,

that is better section,and I continue;

31.01 to 30.24 B.I military aircraft
31.71 B.I military aircraft
32.01 military aircraft
33 B.III military aircraft
34 B.II military aircraft
35 Knoller B.I military aircraft
36 Knoller AV recce
37 C.I observation
38 D.I fighter
39 D.II fighter
131 G.I bomber
132 Fokker D.VII fighter
136 Knoller C.I observation
137 C.I observation
138 D.I fighter
139 D.II fighter
238 D.1 fighter
239 D.II fighter
338 D.I fighter
339 D.II fighter
K seaplane
The aviation corps was worried about the monopoly which Castiglioni and Lohner had achieved. In order to provide an alternative, in 1912 it began to produce its own Etrich Taube aircraft at its aviation arsenal in Fischamend. Conflicts between the aviation corps and Castiglioni were thus inevitable. It was in line with the wishes of the military authorities that by 1916 several more aircraft manufacturers has established themelves in Austria-Hungary in addition to Lohner and Ufag: 1914: Albatros-Phönix (originally a subsidiary of the German Albatroswerke), from 1915-16 under the control of Castiglioni, in 1917 renamed Phönix Flugzeugwerke AG, 1914: Österreichische-Ungarische Flugzeugfabrik Aviatik GmbH (Vienna, subsidiary of the German Aviatik AG), 1914: Ungarische Lloyd Flugzeug- und Motorenfabrik AG (Hungary, subsidiary of the Deutsche Flugzeugwerke (DFW, Germany), 1914: Thöne & Fiala (Vienna), 1915: Oeffag – Oesterreichische Flugzeugfabrik AG (Wiener Neustadt, close ties with the Skoda group of companies), 1886/1916: MAG – Magyarische Allgemeine Maschinenfabrik (Hungary, aircraft construction from 1916) and 1913/16: WKF – Wiener Karosserie- und Flugzeugfabrik Dr. Wilhelm von Gutmann (Vienna, aircraft construction from 1916).

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