Grey Havoc

Senior Member
9 October 2009
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Greece is planning to install a floating barrier in the Aegean Sea to help stop migrant boats reaching its islands from Turkey, officials say.

The barrier, possibly made of netting and equipped with flashing lights, will cover 1.7 miles (2.7km) and rise above water near the Greek island of Lesbos.

Greece's defence ministry said the project would be an emergency measure.

Migrants trying to reach Europe often travel through Turkey to Greece. Arrivals have proved hard to manage.

Many are fleeing violence and persecution in their countries. The majority of arrivals are from Afghanistan and Syria, according to the United Nations.

Last week, strikes and protests took place on the Greek islands of Lesbos, Samos and Chios over the government's handling of migrant arrivals.

This latest initiative is "aimed at containing the increasing inflows of migrants" on islands such as Lesbos, the defence ministry said.

It said the netted barrier needed to be 1.1 metres tall, with about 50cm (20in) rising above the sea's surface. It would be located north of Lesbos and should include lights and reflectors to make it visible at night.

The ministry said the budget for the project was €500,000 ($550,000; £424,000), and this would include at least four years of maintenance costs.

The government has called on vendors to submit designs for the installation.

"The invitation for floating barriers is [a move] in the right direction," Greece's Defence Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos told radio station Skai, adding: "We will see what... its effect as a deterrent will be in practice."

Barriers that rise above sea level will make it hard for small boats to pass, and nets could be problematic for propeller-driven vessels.
The government’s description says the “floating barrier system” needs to be built “with non-military specifications” and “specific features for carrying out the mission of (maritime agencies) in managing the refugee crisis.”

“This contract process will be executed by the Defense Ministry but is for civilian use — a process similar to that used for the supply of other equipment for (camps) housing refugees and migrants,” a government official told The Associated Press.

A defense ministry official told Reuters the floating fence would be installed at the north of Lesbos, where migrants attempt to cross over due to the short distance from Turkey.

If the 500,000 euro barrier is effective, more parts may be added and it could reach up to 15 kilometers, the official said.

The booms would be deployed by the Greek military.
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Tender for ‘Floating Protection System’ for managing migration flows completed

A tender for the construction of a 2,700-metre “Floating Protection System” of non-military standard and with special specifications designed to assist the Armed Forces’ role in the management of the refugee crisis and constantly increasing migration flows, has been completed, according to an announcement on Thursday. The tender was held by the Hellenic Army Supreme Military Support Command.

According to the invitation for bids, the estimated cost of the contract is 500,000 euros, including taxes.
Another case of scared little people wanting to hide behind walls instead of trying to understand and deal with the real underlying issues here. Pathetic, just like other cases around the world.
The EU certainly hasn't been handling things well, to say the least. The refugee deal with Turkey has been a total disaster in the long run, for example.

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