A distinction between 'lapsed news' and 'misinformation' ?


ACCESS: Top Secret
15 July 2009
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When situation is changing very rapidly, and different news feeds refresh at different rates, eg SLS launch woes, may we respect distinction between 'lapsed news', with info & explanations honestly overtaken by events, and out-right 'misinformation' ?
Maybe the person who rushed too soon to publish that information should be responsible enough to do the right thing and edit his post by adding "[edit] now superceded by xxx".

But the unfortunate reality is that those who rush do it actually to show off their in-the-know savvy, so they are not as motivated to correct themselves when they blundered...

We should keep in mind the difference between places for transient throwaway latest buzz, where being first is kewl, and places for serious trustable information worth keeping, where seriousness and professionalism is what counts. The standards of quality are not the same.
For a hint, one could observe how the real professional researchers here behave. And learn from them.

Unfortunately, every time there is a buzz event, like a war or some accident, there is a proliferation of you-heard-it-from-me-first types. Blech.
SPF's vocation is not to copy Twitter, and those who go that route are not helping.
The difference is if their is an effort for good faith reporting.

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