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ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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The year 1968 will always be remembered for its upheavels. But it also saw Nixon elected in the USA and the Breshnev doctrine crush new thinking in Eastern Europe.
Alternative departures from real history in 1968 could go either way.
The toymaker Marx went so far as to make a President Hubert Humphrey figure in our reality.
In Britain the nightmare of troops on the streets of Ulster was still a year away but Prime Minister Wilson feared an army coup might unseat him.
Prosperous West Germany was torn between a youth movement who jeered at politicians and businessmen with links to the Third Reich and their parents who enjoyed standards of living undreamt of twenty years before.
France would see the old soldier De Gaulle confronted by mayhem in Paris.
The USA was sunk in the quagmire of Vietnam and divided bitterly at home.
No other year since 1945 was open to so many possibilities.
As far as post-Apollo program was concerned by 1968 a better future than OTL troubled Shuttle remained a possibility - Mars, moar Moon, space station, different RLVs.
The Marx Presidents


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I suppose that the "Marx" you discuss isn't Karl but Louis - (the irony is strong... communist leader versus toy naboob, packed with dollars !)

His daughters were a) Patricia, married to noone else than Daniel "Pentagon papers" Ellsberg.

And b) Barbara

Now Barbara Marx Hubbard created the "Committee for the future" and its truly awesome endeavour: Project Harvest Moon.

If you ever wonder if some kind of Elon Musk ever existed in the vaning days of Apollo, to fund the whole thing PRIVATELY: those people exactly did tried - although the wrong way and it didn't went too far.

So the Marx family was quite... interesting. One can imagine the Sunday lunch between daddy Louis and his two daughters
"So Patricia, how is Daniel Ellsberg going ? And you, Barbara - your project of privately funding an Apollo stack to the Moon ?"
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