Kayaba Ku-5


ACCESS: Confidential
1 July 2019
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There I was, reading an older thread: https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/kayaba-projects-and-prototypes.18980/

Then I am struck by an idea, given how I am always looking for new alternate history material for my timeline. A model of all things caught my eye after reading the thread.

OTL, the Kayaba project lost out to the Nakajima and Mitsubishi projects, even with the Ku-4 design dropping the Ne-0 ramjet in favor of the Ne-20 turbojet.
Here is my ridiculous idea... what if the Ku-4 had a tail (in addition to the Ne-20)? I doubt that would change much in that the Ku-4 was still behind in competition, but the thought of a Japanese equivalent of a Ta-183 is interesting, to say the least.

I was inspired by this what-if model called the Kokusai Ki-202

Kokusai Ki-202 Kai.jpg

Now, just imagine the next image, a model of the Ku-4, but with a tail (and of course, the Ne-20 turbojet)

Kayaba Ku-4.jpg

Yeah, I know, adding a tail would likely screw up the entire aerodynamics of the aircraft's design, plus it has a blindspot give the recessed cockpit... but a man can dream.

What do you all think?
There I was, reading an older thread: https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/kayaba-projects-and-prototypes.18980/

Then I am struck by an idea, given how I am always looking for new alternate history material for my timeline. A model of all things caught my eye after reading the thread.

OTL, the Kayaba project lost out to the Nakajima and Mitsubishi projects, even with the Ku-4 design dropping the Ne-0 ramjet in favor of the Ne-20 turbojet.
Here is my ridiculous idea... what if the Ku-4 had a tail (in addition to the Ne-20)? I doubt that would change much in that the Ku-4 was still behind in competition, but the thought of a Japanese equivalent of a Ta-183 is interesting, to say the least.

I was inspired by this what-if model called the Kokusai Ki-202

View attachment 674253

Now, just imagine the next image, a model of the Ku-4, but with a tail (and of course, the Ne-20 turbojet)

View attachment 674254

Yeah, I know, adding a tail would likely screw up the entire aerodynamics of the aircraft's design, plus it has a blindspot give the recessed cockpit... but a man can dream.

What do you all think?

Could they build it in enough numbers that it would see combat.

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