Flying Magazine's Postwar "Dream" Airsedan

Mark Nankivil

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13 June 2007
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Good Day All -

The August 1945 issue of Flying Magazine featured a color centerfold foldout of their Airsedan design. The artwork is by Joe Kotula who did many of the cover artworks for Flying, Model Airplane News and others. The design took features that the editors felt should be in a general aviation aircraft to be flown by amateurs with a mixture of well known features and new ideas and clearly, many features taken from the automotive industry. Though never meant to actually be built, I see a lot of the Anderson AG-14 design in this concept.

Enjoy the Day! Mark


  • zFlying's Airsedan - Flying Aug-1945 - 1.jpg
    zFlying's Airsedan - Flying Aug-1945 - 1.jpg
    1.7 MB · Views: 42
  • zFlying's Airsedan - Flying Aug-1945 - 2.jpg
    zFlying's Airsedan - Flying Aug-1945 - 2.jpg
    1.5 MB · Views: 42

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