Polikarpov's last biplanes: the I-170 and I-195 projects


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25 June 2009
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I have looked unsuccessfully on this forum for information on the little-known Polikarpov I-170 and I-195 projects, which represented (along with the built I-190 prototype) the last heirs of the I-15 line of biplanes.

Allow me to share here some three-view arrangements taken from the French Air Magazine N°8.


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Thanks for the reminder, Tophe. My dad's got that book (I bought it as a present for him many years ago), so next time I visit him, I'll try to take a look! ;)
See also В.П.Иванов, Самолеты Н.Н.Поликарпова (Русавиа, Москва, 2004):
I-170: p. 210
I-195: p. 213
With three-view arrangements of both.
Converted in latin characters, Tuizenflloot's mentionned book is:
V.P. Ivanov, Samolyeti N. N. Polikarpova (Rusavia, Moskva = Moscow, 2004)
Thanks for the link!

Here is a translation of the first text on that page:

I-170 fighter project

The appearance in 1939 of the new Mikulin engine designs opened new horizons for the improvement of biplanes. Powered with the 1000-1050 hp M-105 engine and its low drag, a biplane could easily reach a speed of 500-550 km/h. Development of the project for a maneuverable fighter biplane, initially designated by the letter "M", started at Nikolai Polikarpov's Design Bureau in the late summer of 1939.
In August Polikarpov personally made the first estimations of a new fighter, powered by the M-106 engine, . The aircraft then received the designation I-170. While maintaining sufficient agility (wing area was 25 square meters, almost the same as the I-190 fighter) it was hoped to achieve a top speed exceeding 500 km/h. Simultaneously with the beginning of design work, consultations were held with representatives of motor plant and aircraft factory №1, where the I-170 was meant to be produced. In the early fall, work on the Polikarpov I-170 began. The draft project was expected to be finalized before October 15, with yet another month to build a model airplane. On September 29 AT Karev was appointed chief designer of the I-170 program. Despite the slight decrease in range compared with air-cooled engines, the 1300 hp of the Klimov M-106 liquid-cooled engine allowed, in principle, to reach a speed of 550-580 km/h and a high rate of climb.
The design offered high horizontal mobility with improved forward and down visibility. It was supposed to use a 37-mm gun, located in the collapse of the engine cowling. The subsequent departure of Polikarpov on a business trip to Germany, the transfer in his absence of a significant part of the staff to the newly formed Mikoyan Bureau, as well as several other factors led to a complete cessation of development of the I-170 fighter.

Calculated performance characteristics:
take-off weight: 2050 kg
engine power: 1300 hp
top speed: 580 km/h
ceiling: 11,000 m
range: 800 km
armament: one 20-mm or 37-mm gun, 2 x 12,7-mm guns, 2 x 7.62-mm machine guns.
Here's the second item:

I-195 fighter project

In July 1940, N. N. Polikarpov presented the NCAP with a very promising project for a biplane fighter designated I-195 powered by a 1750 hp M-90 engine. The upper wing was of two-spar wooden construction with plywood covering, with a gull-wing center section. The single-spar lower wing was of mixed structure (partly metal with plywood covering). The fuselage was made of welded chrome tubes, with retractable landing gear. The tail was made of duralumin, lined with fabric.

The aircraft was armed with two 20-mm guns and two ShKAS machine-guns. Provision was made for eight RS-82s and for bombs weighing up to 500 kg, including two bombs of 250 kg. Maximum speed at an estimated altitude of 7,000 meters was 591 km/h, and 510 km/h at sea level.

The Commission considered the project on July 27, 1940. The findings were as follows: "The final decision as to the need for the SC to have such an aircraft will depend on the Air Force's impending clarification of the question." A controversy arose as to whether the airplane could be produced in a maneuverable fighter variant, but when the St. George Commission deliberated, no doubt remained that on the basis of that project a very effective battlefield aircraft could be developed. If the unrealistic M-90 engine could be abandoned, and replaced by the M-82A, and later the M-82FN, it would be possible to get a good plane to hit point targets on the battlefield with dive bombs, small guns, cannon fire and rockets. With its high maneuverability characteristics, the aircraft could successfully achieve raids on extended targets with shallow dive and planning.

Calculations showed that on an airplane using extra armor weighing 250-300 kg with two FAB-250 sling bombs or 6 x RS-132s, the flying characteristics were still good enough for the aircraft on the battlefield. With the M-82A engine, maximum speed could amount to 500-520 km/h in altitude, and 400-420 km/h at sea level. And when using the M-82FN, the figures were respectively 600-630 km/h in altitude and 490-520 km/h in level flying, with the use of a short-running afterburner.

Unfortunately the development of the I-195 was not pushed forward by Air Force specialists or by the chief designer of Polikarpov aircraft.

Calculated performance characteristics:
take-off weight: 3254 kg
engine power: 1750 hp
top speed: 590-600km/h
ceiling: 12,000 m
range:900 km
armament: two 20-mm cannons, 2 x 7.62-mm machine guns, 8 x RS-82s or 500 kg bombs.

I do not speak fluent Russian, and these translations were made with Google's very approximate results combined with my experience of other languages as a teacher and translator. If you see some inconsistencies or mistakes (as there are bound to be) please let me know and I'll correct them. For instance, I removed a couple of bits that I simply could not translate at all.
A bit more for I-195 the last biplane:


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The I-170 layout (From: Maslov M. The I-153. - Moscow, Aviantik, 2001 (ISBN 5-93848-003-5). - Page 82).


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here is a Polikarpov I-19 drawing,a low-wing single seat monoplane fighter
project of 1935.


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Самолеты Н.Н. Поликарпова_Русавиа 2004
Polikarpov I-19 (TsKB-25). There were two totally different projects under this designation. The first one was I-16 derivative for Gnome-Rhone Mistral Major (M-85) engine. It was projected in mid-1935 but soon cancelled, and the designation was re-used for I-17 version with Mikulin M-34 FRN engine. The 2 vievs of posted by Hesham.
Initially TsKB-25 was the designation I-19, then later, in the same 1935 it renamed I-20.

And indeed, "All curiouser and curiouser" ... what do monoplane fighter in the topic / thread:
"Polikarpov's last biplanes: the I-170 and I-195 projects" ))?


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From the Ukrainian magazine Aviatsia Vreyma 2005, issue 6.

Some more details on the Polikarpov I-170 and I-195 aircraft, compared with other contemporary Polikarpov designs.


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