2 Unknown Projects to identify

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
Reaction score
From Alain Pelletier via Tony Butler.

First one may be a missile. Second looks familiar to me - Martin project?


  • Unknown (1) sm.jpg
    Unknown (1) sm.jpg
    164.4 KB · Views: 444
  • Unknown (2) sm.jpg
    Unknown (2) sm.jpg
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overscan said:
Second looks familiar to me - Martin project?

I'm getting that feeling too. A thread not too long ago. Arghhh! What was it!

With regards to the first design, British or Canadian, Avro maybe, drone? Just some wild guesses.
The second one looks like one of the Convair supersonic flying boats as described in "American Secret Projects: Bombers, attack & anti-submarine aircraft" pages 159-161.
Second one definitely has a Martin feel to it. But I could be wrong.
XB 68 No details !


  • Scan.pdf
    256.3 KB · Views: 75
ONE OTHER......perhaps yours Very bad !


  • Scan.pdf
    233.2 KB · Views: 71
overscan said:
From Alain Pelletier via Tony Butler.

First one may be a missile.

And very obviously area-ruled - both in the fuselage and engine fairings. To my untrained eye heavily so. If there's a solid evolution of area-ruling design it could be used to date it.

Of course, we could just wait for Andreas to chip in :)
First scan looks definitely the part. At least a variant of the same design.

Second scan contains two different designs: 3-view plan has never formally been proved to be a Martin design, although it has been in circulation for 50 years with the "XB-68" label. The wind tunnel model is closer to the actual XB-68 design, the Model 316.
Its definitely Convair.

Its similar to the Convair Supersonic Attack Seaplane (1955) as shown on P87 of Convair Advanced Designs by Robert Bradley and P159-160 of American Secret Projects: Bombers, Attack and ASW Aircraft by Tony Buttler.

The picture wrongly identified as XB-68 looks to be the same exact same design, looks like its in a NASA windtunnel. Presumably people jumped to the conclusion it was a model of the B-68 because it had a "Martin" look to it.


Scott posted this drawing of Sladek's "water-based B-58" in the XB-68 topic whose tailcone and tail engine intake looks even closer to this model:


The only difference looks to be the wing planform.

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