There's a three-view of another intermediate version in the AIAA case history on Soviet V/stol Fighter Development. The version that book depicts definitely appears to be a blend of Freehand and Forger; Freehand from the wing leading edge/fuselage juncture aft and Forger from there forward.
I have to confess that I am the author of the AIAA case history on Soviet V/STOL Fighter Development. When I wrote the manuscript in 1995, there was no good reference for the Yakovlev V/STOL fighters (Fricker and Butowski's book came out just before I finished), so I used what I could. I made that image with a photoeditor, combining Jane's Freehand and Forger images, and smoothing it out a bit. As it says, it is a
conceptual drawing. Maybe "notional" would have been a better term. Sorry for any confusion.