What ever became of these very important aircraft?

Steve Pace

Aviation History Writer
6 January 2013
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Both the XB-52 and YB-52?
The second of two XB-47s?
The second of two YF-100s?
I know they were eventually scrapped but in the case of XB-47 number two and YF-100 number two I've never seen any photos of them.
A YF-100 marked "25755" (the number 2 aircraft) is on display at the Century [Half] Circle outside of the Main Gate At Edwards AFB.

An XB-47 marked "46-0066" is on display at the Octave Chanute Aerospace Museum at the former Chanute AFB.

The XB-52 or YB-52 (I don't recall which) was retired to the US Air Force Museum and was later scrapped in the 1960's.

Photos of both the YF-100 and XB-47 are readily available on the interwebs, Airliners.net would be a site to check.
aim9xray said:
A YF-100 marked "25755" (the number 2 aircraft) is on display at the Century [Half] Circle outside of the Main Gate At Edwards AFB.

An XB-47 marked "46-0066" is on display at the Octave Chanute Aerospace Museum at the former Chanute AFB.

The XB-52 or YB-52 (I don't recall which) was retired to the US Air Force Museum and was later scrapped in the 1960's.

Photos of both the YF-100 and XB-47 are readily available on the interwebs, Airliners.net would be a site to check.
Thanks so much. -SP

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