Trident V2466 Ripple Launch Test

Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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very interesting test launch of Trident
Just think if those were missiles with live nukes you just witnessed the launch of a TNT equivalent of probably 20% of the bombs dropped during the entirety of WWII and that boat still has 20 more missiles left to launch.
That went much slower than I imagined. Better not do it when there's enemy ASW within 50 miles or such.
Firefly 2 said:
That went much slower than I imagined. Better not do it when there's enemy ASW within 50 miles or such.

Where they launch from, I'd be surprised if there was an ASW aircraft within a thousand miles.
sferrin said:
Firefly 2 said:
That went much slower than I imagined. Better not do it when there's enemy ASW within 50 miles or such.

Where they launch from, I'd be surprised if there was an ASW aircraft within a thousand miles.

Heh, I forgot to include the word "assets". But I do get your point. Still, this is the first time I've seen a multiple launch sequence for missiles like the Trident and I always assumed it would be much faster. It just shows the gigantic gaps in my knowledge.
Forward video to Iranian and North Korean leaders right away with the caption 'plenty more where those came from' :D
They know, that's why they only boast but never put their money where their mouth is.
I take it the gaps between launches are to allow the missiles to avoid the turbulence from the previous missiles launch ?
From memory the first simultaneous launch was four missiles from a Typhoon and the Captain was given a medal for doing it, so I am assuming that there is a risk in launching like that. Has anyone been able to find out if the footage was filmed at a high or normal frame-rate?

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