The Ultimate Piston Fighters of the Luftwaffe

phil gollin

ACCESS: Secret
19 September 2007
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Any ideas about this ?
Justo Miranda's latest book: highly recommended ;)
Wow!!! :eek: Great I can't wait for it. I hope they sell it on amazon us. B) B) B)

Justo we need a cover, a list of contents, please tell us something, please ;D ;D ;D
Justo Beautiful!!! Which is this one?

What we can expect about the content? 3d views?
Justo Miranda said:
:) The publication date has been delayed. We are now busy with the corrections. Please be patient!

Ahhh nice to hear that, we just 've to wait nothing worse... yes we can wait .... 24 hours!!! ;D ;D ;D
Now available :)


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Still not available from amazon :mad:

Alternative source:
I’ve just read the book and here I go with my impressions

By late 1939 some air forces still operated fighter biplanes together with first generation monoplanes. A second generation of monoplanes, with more powerful piston engines, was almost ready for its first flight. That year USAAC issued its R40-C request for proposals to stimulate fighter technology development far from contemporary achievements.
But WWII pressed technology so hard that some technological dreams in 1939 were surpassed by technologies then still not considered or non existent. Some promising technology was bypassed because of misconception while another simply reached full potential and was abandoned.
Fighter aircraft evolution faced all that factors and the study of unbuilt designs is the only way to fully understand the story.

Justo Miranda’s “The Ultimate Piston Engine Fighters of the Luftwaffe” is for those who want to learn about the most advanced piston engine fighters never conceived. For those who ask about how would look like fighters if WWII never were and turbojet was never pressed so fast into operational service?.

Enthusiast familiar with Mr Miranda work will quickly recognize his style from precedent Reichdream series. But this time, coming in form of a much durable hard cover edition and very handy dimensions. It’s a comfortable book for bed reading.

This work consists in a compilation of German’s most advanced piston engine fighter designs arranged from manufacturer with the final chapters dedicated to its weapons (guns, rockets and missiles).
Every design has a brief description with both historical and technical data. A very important data for me is to note which was the requirement the design was tendered. Many authors forget about it making very difficult understand why a design was originated for.
Thus, Mr Miranda work can be read like a story, and after that, it remains as a reference guide in your library.

Its true that most of the aircraft in the list can be found in general III Reich unbuilt aircraft designs. For instance, I have myself Luftwaffe Secret Projects three volumes (Ed Midland) with colour drawings. Why you should purchase a copy then?. Well, I can offer two reasons:

1.A specialized subject deserves a dedicated book. That’s the only way you can truly appreciate details that in a general encyclopedia are hidden or even lost. Mr Miranda work shows how Germans had advanced in Aerodynamics science. Late WWII German Fighters were designed, from the beginning, to fly near transonic speed. And, under some circumstances, being exposed to supersonic speed. That was the reason for German piston engine fighters looking like 50’s jets while Allied early jets looked like piston engine fighters from early 40’s. Some of the fighters in the book are “jet ready”. Just replacing the piston engine with a turbojet and they look closer to an F-86 than a P-80. But, at the same time, war pressed engineers with lack of time and raw material. Sometimes they had no choice but to risk with solutions still poor understood which resulted into impracticable aircraft. Other nations developed high power piston engines failed to match it with advanced aerodynamics to get the most of the higher output.

2. There are lots of detailed technical drawings from every view at 1/72 scale. That means you can quickly compare dimensions between designs. Detail between variants is shown. Many projects show internal arrangement for better understanding. Inclusion of crew drawings still gives a better idea of aircraft dimensions. All drawings are exclusive for the book and better than what can be found from similar books.

My conclusion: this is a great book for aviation technology historians and enthusiasts. But also of interest for “whatiffers” and high performance aircraft lovers.
That’s a great source for modelers…and a source of inspiration for uchronic artists.

Enjoy it!

I'm fully through the book now and there's nothing much to add to Pometablavas comment,
a great compendium, showing that during 1945 the days of the piston engine were far
from over for the deutsche Luftwaffe, a point, that could easily be forgotten,when
looking in other sources about German aircraft projects from that era. As mentioned in
the book, the reasons often were the need for longer range/endurance, hard to achieve
with the fuel thirsty early jet engines. On the other hand, as mentioned for example
in Ralf Schabels “Illusion der Wunderwaffen”, there was still a quite widespread re-
luctance to rely fully on those “new” and still unreliable engines, not only amongst
military staff, but even amongst German designers. BTW, an index of the used sources
was he only part I somehow missed, but nowadays additional information is quickly
available via "the net". And Justo avoided for example the trap of designating those
combinations of the DB614 engine with the MK 214/412 gun, (drawn by Daimler Benz) as
"projects",or even "Fw 190 derivatives" !
Just a snippet, of course, but those who know, what other authors already had made
of them, is glad about the proven research here !
Knowing Justo's work from his earlier books , his latest is just great.
Written in the typical compact style ,avoiding speculation and concentrate
on what just was on the drawing boards , this book is also illustrated with a large ammount
of detailed drawings .In my opinion, it is a 'must have, for the German aviation devoté.
Thanks Justo.
As the previous post says a solid work from Justo with great drawings. I'm very happy to see it published.

Just I think if the book has 4 o 5 3D images of the planes in color Could attract a greater audience.
I got my copy today. It's a amazing book as usual. :D
Thank you so much Justo-san. Great effort!!
Got my copy earlier this year and just finished it. I'll heartily second those sentiments.

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