The Three Rocketeers, BBC4 Wednesday 12th September


ACCESS: Top Secret
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4 June 2006
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For his entire life, one man has nursed the dream of putting mankind into space. Inspired by the Dan Dare comic strip, Alan Bond first started building rockets as a teenager in his back garden. He started his career working on Britain's Blue Streak rocket, then HOTOL - the world's first attempt to build a 'single-stage-to-orbit' spacecraft. Each time, he was thwarted by lack of funding from the UK government, so, together with two colleagues, Richard Varvill and John Scott-Scott, he decided to go it alone. This documentary tells the story of how the three rocketeers defeated the Official Secrets Act, shrugged off government intransigence and defied all conventional wisdom to build a revolutionary new spacecraft - Skylon.
As ever a quality programme on BBC4 on a very interesting, innovative project. Adrian's CGI work looks great on a big telly, but I hope he doesn't get too much new work as a result. (ahem). Hopefully REL will continue with their work and see their systems take to the skies.

Alan Bond gave a lecture on the heat-exchangers and pre-coolers at Charterhouse a couple of years back and I was astounded by what REL were doing and never imagined a lecture on heat-exchangers would be so interesting.

Well made show about one of my favourite "what ifs" the Skylon spaceplane.

The only trouble with these shows is that they remind you that the present could have been a much more interesting place.

Stick at it Rocketeers!

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