From TU 216,
here is all Info about B-5 tourist & ACA-5 fighter Projects,from SNCA;
A.Kolko, IMN engineer, deposits the patent 825,657, for a new type
plane, particularly picked up. This patent offers a tourism plane called
B-5 and a hunting device referred to as ACA-5. The two planes are
present in a compact form and small footprint in all three dimensions.
This quality is obtained by a "judicious" arrangement of the components
of the aircraft, the layout particular of the landing gear and the location
of the propeller. Mr. Kolko sums up himself his project: "Plane very
picked up, almost everything is in the center of gravity and largely
balanced directly, low total surface area, good fleece, center of gravity
close to the ground and great maneuverability. "
On June 9, 1939, Mr. Kerguistel, then technical director of the SNCAO receives a letter from the inventor, who recommends himself to M.
Caquot, president of SNCA, and offers him his device. Interested in
the Project, Mr. Caquot asked June 13 at the SNCAO to test a model
in a wind tunnel.
Tests in the Nieuport wind tunnel will find good longitudinal stability,
but road stability deplorable despite several modifications of
daggerboards. Furthermore, the calculations performances are
considered fanciful.
Following these tests, a letter from M. Caquot, dated June 22, 1939,
meant has SNCAO the abandonment of the project.
Features and performance
from the ACA-5 device:
Motor: 1 Hispano-Suiza 12X of 660 hp driving a three-blade 2 m diameter propeller
Wingspan: 6.38 m Long. : 3.60 m
High. : 2.33m Surf. load-bearing: 7 m °
Empty weight: 875 kg Total weight:
1320 kg Petrol: 320 liters
Armament: 1 cannon and 2 machine guns
fuselage 2 wing machine guns
Maximum speed: 645 km / h (!!!)
Cruising speed: 350 km / h
Landing speed: 145 km / h
Climbing speed: 31 m / s
Practical ceiling: 15,400 m (!!!)
Cruisable distance at
4000 m: 1600 km (!!!)