New book: B-29 Combat Missions

Steve Pace

Aviation History Writer
6 January 2013
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In late-April or early-May a new book entitled B-29 Combat Missions: First-hand Accounts of Superfortress Operations Over Japan and Korea will be available through Barnes and Noble and other outlets for $12.98 USD. It was written by Donald Nijboer of Canada and yours truly with a foreword by Walter J. Boyne. It's a product of Elephant Book Company ldt., London, England and profusely illustrated. Steve Pace


  • B-29 front cover.jpg
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A few teasers to be found in the book. -SP


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Steve, if that's possible, could you post the chapter index too?

Many thanks,


Forward and Introduction
Part 1:
History and Development
Preparing for a mission
Part 2: The Crew
The Aircraft Commander and Pilot
The Flight Engineer
The Bombardier
The Navigator
The Radio Operator
The Top, Left and Right CFC Gunners
The Radar Operator
The Tail Gunner
Part 3: Rest and Recreation
Further Reading
Picture Credits and Acknowledgements
Thanks, it looks a very interesting addition to my personal library.

Can you tell us a bit more about the
History and Development chapter...

(initial designs ?)

Thanks in advance.
Here's the final cover to the book. -SP


  • B-29 Front Cover final.pdf
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lark said:

Can you tell us a bit more about the
History and Development chapter...

(initial designs ?)

Thanks in advance.
I'm sorry but I cannot discuss that as of yet. -SP
B-29 Combat Missions: First-hand Accounts of Superfortress Operations over Japan and Korea

Publication Date: April 30, 2011
Publisher: Metro Books for Barnes and Noble Bookseller
Format: Hardcover, 160 pages
ISBN-13: 9781435125421
ISBN: 1435125428
$12.98 U.S.

B-29: Combat Missions takes the reader through every Superfortress crew position, bringing to life what it was like to fly—and fight—in the advanced bomber that was credited with bringing World War II to a conclusion earlier than predicted. First-hand accounts from crewmembers are coupled with archive and commissioned photos of items of memorabilia, illustrating the dramatic stories of B-29 combat crews in truly vivid detail.

There are around 75 first-person accounts from former Superfortress crewmembers. Each crew position has its own section: the aircraft commander and copilot, the bombardier, the navigator, the flight engineer, the radio operator, the Central Fire Control top, left, and right gunners, the radar operator and the tail gunner. Some 160 archive images, around 45 crew-position photos specially commissioned for this book, and more than 100 artifacts illustrate the remarkable life of this unique aircraft.

Written by Donald Nijboer and Steve Pace, with additional content from Dana Bell, and stunning original color photographs taken by Dan Patterson, B-29: Combat Missions brings together some of the best expertise on the subject. Donald Nijboer is a freelance writer who lives in Toronto, Canada. He is the author of several military aviation history books, and has co-authored with the renowned aircraft photographer Dan Patterson. He has also written articles for Flight Journal, Aviation History and Aeroplane Monthly. Steve Pace is the author of 28 books and hundreds of feature articles and short stories on aviation history. He is also contributing editor to Flight Journal magazine and a former contributing editor to Airpower and Wings magazines. He has been writing aviation history for more than 34 years. Foreword by Walter J. Boyne – Author/Historian, former director of the National Air and Space Museum, enshrined in the National Aviation Hall of Fame.
Since there has been little or no responses to this posting there doesn't seem to be a great deal of interest in the history of the B-29. -SP
I think, it's just a little bit too early to expect comments, as still yet nobody
of our members will have read it. You gave a detailed introduction (as far as you
could), so, would should we say before it is available ? ;)
The book B-29 Combat Missions written by Donald Nijboer and yours truly is now avialable through Barnes and Noble - it lists for $12.98 USD. -Steve Pace

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