New Bell tilt-wing project just patented


Former Aviation journalist/writer
Senior Member
31 July 2013
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First of all apologies if this is the wrong place to put this, but was not sure where it may sit comfortably. Whilst perusing through US Patents (as one is prone to do whilst recovering from 'the lurgy') I came across this patent which was only placed two weeks ago! It is obviously on behalf of Bell given the address of the patent, and is for a tilt wing design using multiple engines. I suspect that this may be yet another electric powered project, but have not come across confirmation of that as yet. Again apologies if located in the wrong area, and please move it to a more relevant area on the forum if needed. Reference if you wish to read more is Patent Number 10,597,152
New tiltwing project drawing 1.jpg
Forward visibility BE DAMNED! That’s certainly a complicated way of doing it. I just need to take a minute to wrap my head around that.

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