Mil Mi-24/35 Thread


Resident retro rainbow rotorhead nerdy girl, uwu
Senior Member
29 November 2007
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I have searched Google, MSN, attached sites here, etc. and I have found no picture at all illustrating these Mil Mi-24 variants:

  • Mi-24F Hind-A (designation may be unofficial)
  • Mi-24B Hind-A (not Mi-24A Hind-B)
  • Mi-24PTRK
  • Mi-24T
  • Mi-24VP
  • Mi-24RA Hind-G1 Mod
  • Mi-24BMT
  • Mi-24VN Hind-E (So far I only found the export Mi-35O)
  • Mi-24 Ecological Survey Version
  • Mi-35M2
  • Mi-24Tech-24 "Mobile Repair Shop"

If anyone has any images of each variant above, please share them.

I would also like to know exactly which versions these are:

First one is the preseries Mi-24B, second is an early Mi-24A fitted with an air data boom. It was used for testing the Mi-28's mechanical components or main rotor.


Re: Mil Mi-24 image requests

The only one of your list, I could find (in Air Power Rview 13)
is the Mi-24VP :


  • Mi-24VP.JPG
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Re: Mil Mi-24 image requests

Stingray, for your first picture I've asked Gordon's & Komissarov's Mil Mi-24 Hind book (Airlife, 2001 / ISBN 1-84037-238-9). They use a picture of the same Hind, but flying - the caption is:
An early-production Hind-A with air data boom and minus wings used for trials work. This aircraft was possibly a testbed for the Mi-28's mechanical components or main rotor.

'Mi-24F' was a 'creation' by Air International. They mixed up Mi-24P and Hind-F. I cannot find a 'real' Mi-24F - ???

'Mi-24T' is another example for 'creating my own Mi-24 version', this time by Krylya Rodiny magazine. One of the Berkuty display team's Mi-24V was referred as 'Mi-24T' ... ::)
Re: Mil Mi-24 image requests

Thank you, Boxkite, and thank you, Jemiba.

Now I can cross out the confirmed ones.

[starts edit]
Re: Mil Mi-24 image requests

On first photo record helicopter A-10,
more information, regrettably only at monday (if she will by then be actual)
Re: Mil Mi-24 image requests

On first photo record helicopter A-10

Stingray, for your first picture I've asked Gordon's & Komissarov's Mil Mi-24 Hind book (Airlife, 2001 / ISBN 1-84037-238-9). They use a picture of the same Hind, but flying - the caption is:
An early-production Hind-A with air data boom and minus wings used for trials work. This aircraft was possibly a testbed for the Mi-28's mechanical components or main rotor.

Now I'm confused.
Re: Mil Mi-24 image requests


A-10 differs from the machine at the picture. The wing mountings of the record-breaker were covered by shallow fairings, the rotor head had typical vibration dampers, the last cabin window (on both sides) was covered, and it hadn't such a data boom.
Re: Mil Mi-24 image requests

Okay, now I'm not so confused. I have seen numerous pictures of the A-10 and they don't have the data boom. Thanks Boxkite.
Re: Mil Mi-24 image requests

To Boxkite
Yes... Thomas you were right, I was too fast in my estimations, and the fact is
not about having or not having data boom, but about these details you have listed.
To Stingray
Travis maybe this info would be interesting for you:
Mi-24 BMT In 1974 they made a mine trawler Mi-24A-based version, removing all armament, wings & armor, with nonretractable gear. The trawl & auxiliary tank were inside fuselage. A single exemplar was built.
1) Mi -24 B
2) Mi -24 VP
3) Mi -35 M3 aka Mi -24 VM
4) Mi-24 Super Hind Mk.5 (ATE)
ATE*Advanced Technologic and Engineering*, South African Company, announced about a deep modernization program of Mi-24 in 2006.
from: R.Miheev "Combat helicopters Mil" <Aviation and time>magazine
P.Butowski "Mi-24 , To be contenuation" <Aviation and time>magazine
<Aviation and cosmonautics> magazine #1,2007


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  • Mi-24 Super Hind  Mk.5 (ATE).jpg
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Re: Mil Mi-24 image requests

Hey Boxkite! You sent me an email with a picture of an Mi-24 variant I have been searching for for years! Its the Mi-24E Ecological Survey Version. Much Thanks!



  • Mi-24E.jpg
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Re: Mil Mi-24 image requests

What kind of eco survey does that Mi-24?
Re: Mil Mi-24 image requests

Info here at

Mi-24 Ecological Survey Version: Modification by Polyot industrial research organisation, to assess oil pollution on water and seasonal changes of water level. First seen 1991 with large flat sensor `tongue' projecting from nose in place of gun turret; large rectangular sensor pod on outer starboard underwing pylon; unidentified modification replaces rear cabin window on starboard side.
Re: Mil Mi-24 image requests

No, Stingray, that's NOT the Mi-24E Ecological Survey Version! I'll give you more information as soon as I've found the source (FLUG REVUE?), because it's an ex-GDR Mi-24 used for tests after 1990 here in Germany.
Re: Mil Mi-24 image requests

Now I can answer your question, Stingray. It's a Mi-24D '98+31' (ex-NVA '495', sold to Poland as '167' in January 1996). It was used by the WTD 61 in Manching during 1994 for tests with the head of a Hawk missile (don't know why)!

Source: "Versuchsprojekte der Bundeswehr - Flugerprobungen der Wehrtechnischen Dienststelle 61" by Bernd & Frank Vetter, Motorbuch Verlag Stuttgart, 2003 (ISBN 3613023296), page 101
Re: Mil Mi-24 image requests

Okay, what about that modification in the rear window? Jane's said that the Mi-24E eco survey had that.
Re: Mil Mi-24 image requests

Okay then. I have never heard of this modification. Is there any other conversions I might not know about, besides the Fenestron experament?
Re: Helicopter image requests

Alright, Ill see what I can do. Thanks.

[List removed because I changed the topic name.]

The reason for all the image requests is because I am making my own personal helicopter encyclopedia and I want everything I can find. Im trying to finish Part Two, Russia and Former USSR. I really appriciate the help.
Re: Mil Mi-24 image requests

Stingray said:
Okay then. I have never heard of this modification. Is there any other conversions I might not know about, besides the Fenestron experament?

Well there are a lot of fairly common weapons arrangements that aren't usually seen. Specifically the Hind can carry two PK series window guns (fired from the passenger compartment). Armour has also been stripped off of the compartment on occasion to save wait. Then there is the ill fated attempt to add a rear gunner and also the attempt to turn it into a "Cessna Interceptor" using R-60 AAMs...
Re: Helicopter image requests

Then there is the ill fated attempt to add a rear gunner

I found pictures of that attempt:



This model is known as Mi-24VD.
Re: Helicopter image requests

Okay, I finally found a picture of the Mi-22 (not the Mi-2 derivative).

I removed the rest of this post because I'm ashamed of my childish ignorance.
Re: Helicopter image requests

Im not forcing you guys to do anything. Im just asking for a little help.

You seem to be the only guys who can help. :-\
Re: Helicopter image requests

Stingray said:
Im not forcing you guys to do anything. Im just asking for a little help.

You seem to be the only guys who can help. :-\

Honey works better than the stick.
Re: Helicopter image requests

Now I can answer your question, Stingray. It's a Mi-24D '98+31' (ex-NVA '495', sold to Poland as '167' in January 1996). It was used by the WTD 61 in Manching during 1994 for tests with the head of a Hawk missile (don't know why)!

The AirDOC No. 4 ("Luftwaffe Fitter - The Su-22 in German Service") gives the (short) answer. There is a picture inside (on page 43) with the following caption:
"For the evaluation of a HAWK SAM missile seeker head, both the Fitter's wings were painted white."
And the Mi-24 was the 'carrier' for the seeker head - strange!
Re: Helicopter image requests

Yeah, that is strange. :D
I don't see why it should be in place of the undernose turret and not under the armament pylons, but thats me.
Re: Helicopter image requests

Stingray « on: April 25, 2008, 02:12:48 am »
If anyone has any images of each variant above, please share them.
I would also like to know exactly which versions these are:
After half of the year. -))
First test flight MI-24A (19. September 1969) source: Striking Power "Grasp of the crocodile"


  • Mi -24A first.jpg
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Re: Helicopter image requests

boxkite said:
Now I can answer your question, Stingray. It's a Mi-24D '98+31' (ex-NVA '495', sold to Poland as '167' in January 1996). It was used by the WTD 61 in Manching during 1994 for tests with the head of a Hawk missile (don't know why)!

The AirDOC No. 4 ("Luftwaffe Fitter - The Su-22 in German Service") gives the (short) answer. There is a picture inside (on page 43) with the following caption:
"For the evaluation of a HAWK SAM missile seeker head, both the Fitter's wings were painted white."
And the Mi-24 was the 'carrier' for the seeker head - strange!

The terrain bounce abilities of the SPS-141 jamming pod on the Su-22 were tested in an 'interplay' with the Hawk seeker head on the chin of the Mi-24D.
Re: Helicopter image requests

The terrain bounce abilities of the SPS-141 jamming pod on the Su-22 were tested in an 'interplay' with the Hawk seeker head on the chin of the Mi-24D.

Okay, now it makes more sense. Thanks.
Mi-24-28 PrPNK: Two experimental models of Mi-24Ds for testing the forward sensor system on the Mi-28.

I never knew these had actual designations.


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Re: Mi-24 images (help?)

I admit to not knowing which specific version of the Hind this one is, but I do know it's an early training version. This machine is in the museum at Riga Airport.




Re: Mi-24 images (help?)

Nick said:
I admit to not knowing which specific version of the Hind this one is, but I do know it's an early training version. This machine is in the museum at Riga Airport.

I'm almost positive thats the main production Mi-24A "Hind-A" (with the teardrop sensor under the cockpit removed).
It couldn't be a trainer, for the Mi-24U "Hind-C" was built for this purpose...


the map of operators of the Mi-24 , ( Mi-25 and Mi-35 are export version)


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Thanks for the map, airman. ;)

These are photos of the A-10 record-setting variant with the wings removed and with vibration dampers on the main rotor head...


  • Mil A-10 - Copy (2).jpg
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the "son" of Mil-24 is Mil - 28, because deveploped by this !
I found more pics of the Mi-24-28 PrPNK...


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Mi-24 of the Sri Lanka Air Force. What is that under the rear cabin window? Is that a FLIR of some kind?

I was doing some more research on other Hind variants and I didn't spot any with this specific modification.


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