Mig-29 from north end of the Nellis AFB near the Pararescue squadron house


ACCESS: Top Secret
4 May 2008
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the guy said :

I was driving by the Air Force Base the other day and saw a pair of fins sticking up above the fence line.


The puke green color scheme makes it look like one of the ex-Moldovan FULCRUMs.
seruriermarshal said:
No sir!

Just confirmed that this is a "recovered" Iraqi Mig-29. I was going crazy not knowing for sure so I went back today with a pair of binoculars. The small marking you can see in the picture on the inside of the right stabilizer IS and Iraqi flag.
Also confirmed by a rather nice young Security Police Officer who took an interest in what I was doing! :icon_redf
He told me that this particular plane was dug out of the sand along with several others. I guess Saddam felt he should bury his Air Force and save the U.S. ordinance! How thoughtful.
seruriermarshal said:
So they send some Iraq Mig-29 TO Nellis or go to Groom ?

I think this is going to a Nellis range petting zoo, or the Nellis museum.
From here:


Some photos in Nov-09 (thanks Phil!) taken from
1. Queen City Summit of - one assumes - one of the Groom Lake MiG-29s


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That is a ex- Moldovan Air Force Mig-29 (9.13) for sure, and the HUMP gives that easily away. The Iraqi 9.12 did nt have them.


Remind me to tell you over a lunch sometime of my working in Russia in the early 90's on a program like Constant Peg.

Often suspect others came in later to play in our sandbox, and this confirms my suspicions. From my late friends estate who worked at GD. This is a GD In-house model....


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The plot thickens!

I think you will find this thread interesting: http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,1252.0.html
Just thought I would tell you what our "mandate" wanted and that we had secured for delivery. These were line asset (non export) A/C with support and spares. Mikhail Simonov of Sukhoi offered us new A/C that were on the assembly line but our Uncle wanted flight line ready. I gave him a large scale Northrop factory B-1 and a YF 23 as a gift on one visit and he had promised some of his factory models in return. If anyone see's him, tell him I am STILL waiting for my models.......Also never did get to drive the SU 27 as promised...... (yes I am a pilot)... Darn Russians!


SU 27
MIG 29

SU25 (came off list when we paid a visit to Kuwait)

SU 27
MIG 29
MIG 31

And in reserve for the anticipated second round
YAK 38.

We were even offered a Bear and a Bison that we quickly passed on.... They would have made a heck of an airshow A/C no?

Lot's of stories to tell from this time...

Were you trying to raid the Russians, or the "ex-Soviets"? It occurs to me that everything there could be easily sourced from someone else. Someone who would've been able to provide something way more amusing than anything on your list, at least until Nunn and Lugar got involved.

And a Yak-38? Seriously? All the others I can understand for many reasons (including the two bombers), but that's just hilarious ;D
I think that you missed the part that these were LINE aircraft and not export aircraft. We were able to pick and choose from ANY source inside Russia. We were dealing directly with Mikoyan and Sukhoi with the blessing of the Russian government. This aircraft had ALL of the look down, shoot down systems that the current RAF was flying. These were not stripped down export sales aircraft. Sukhoi offered us anything we wanted from the production line, but we chose operational craft.

Our mandate specified the models.... so we made the arrangements.

Remember... the wall just came down.

I was in a room full of Generals, designers, and Sukhoi executives when Yeltsin made the announcement that they were going to sell assets to foreign governments. This was my program!

Sadly a lot of my money and time went to naught.

I get that they were line aircraft, with all of the then-current bells and whistles. I'm just wondering if anyone thought to try and get into the Ukraine, who had most of the same operational platforms, as well as a source of soon-to-be-scrapped Tu-160 airframes.
SOC said:
I get that they were line aircraft, with all of the then-current bells and whistles. I'm just wondering if anyone thought to try and get into the Ukraine, who had most of the same operational platforms, as well as a source of soon-to-be-scrapped Tu-160 airframes.

FME assets were sourced from more than just Russia itself, yes. Some of the assets that have been in Nevada came from Belarus, for example.
allysonca said:
Just thought I would tell you what our "mandate" wanted and that we had secured for delivery. These were line asset (non export) A/C with support and spares. Mikhail Simonov of Sukhoi offered us new A/C that were on the assembly line but our Uncle wanted flight line ready. I gave him a large scale Northrop factory B-1 and a YF 23 as a gift on one visit and he had promised some of his factory models in return. If anyone see's him, tell him I am STILL waiting for my models.......Also never did get to drive the SU 27 as promised...... (yes I am a pilot)... Darn Russians!


SU 27
MIG 29

SU25 (came off list when we paid a visit to Kuwait)

SU 27
MIG 29
MIG 31

And in reserve for the anticipated second round
YAK 38.

We were even offered a Bear and a Bison that we quickly passed on.... They would have made a heck of an airshow A/C no?

Lot's of stories to tell from this time...


Mikhail Simonov passed away in 2011.
Something that intrigues me is if MOD was after such aircraft, where are they now?
When we dropped from the program I am unsure if/who picked up any assets. My partner on the British side was Terry Kingsley who was an ex red arrows driver and he said that they only wanted the A/C if the US took delivery. One excuse the US mandate gave for the programs cancellation was that we had "breached" security by involving the MOD... but we had disclosed this fact at the start of the program so it was a bogus excuse.

At the last meeting held a Sukhoi the Russians broke our LOA and asked for more money - significantly more money. They asked for Western equivalency. I think this and the fact that we had been at this for longer than anticipated more avenues of procurement had come available. I had a dinner with someone I knew that worked at the Pentagon 3 years later and he confirmed that the Gov had in fact found some aircraft at a price quite a bit higher than what we offered. So they are out there... it's just that we did not sell them. So much for all the time and money invested.
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