Magni RR ?


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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the Italian company Magni was designed the RR,a rocket
plane of 1931,it was based on Dr Cattaneo G.P.1 glider aircraft,
it had cantilever wing as a monoplane,with an circular section
fuselage covered in wood,and a tail carrying two monoblock booms
fixed on these booms were attached,and in fact were
incoporated,two vertical tailplanes carring two coupled rudders.


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Highly interesting Hesham. What are the sources of this ?
My dear lark,

please recieve my special message,and for Mangni RR,
it was the only rocket aircraft for Italy I know it,any
additions are welcome.
Well, Magni RR was in reality a project of Ettore Cattaneo, born in 1898 circa 10 km from my home... He was a physician and a pioneer of sailplanes. He made a type of powder rocket in the second half of the '20s and after the Von Opel experiments in Germany he worked with Magni Aviazione in Milan (Ing. Magni was very near to Caproni, and did several projects for them). They used the wing of a sailplane, the GP1, made by Magni and previously bought by Cattaneo himself. They did a new airframe with a rocket compartment housing rockets with a combined thrust of 300 KG and a double tauil. The wing was mounted high. Relevant data were: void weight 195 KG, maximum T/O weight 300 KG. Span 16,56 m, wing surface 26,64 sqm. RR stand for Radio Razzo (radio Rocket). The intended use of the plane was as a drone remotely piloted via radio. First flight was 28th June 1931. Ernst Udet was there as a correnspondent for Les Ailes.... The plane made six flights in all before being abandoned. Naturally I have a 3-view.... guess?

Sorry,but your link about Magni gives me a Russian translation site...
Back on duty.. :p


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The intended use of the plane was as a drone remotely piloted via radio.

Do you mean "drone" as in an aircraft drone for target practice, or a "drone" with which to attack various targets with radio guidance?

Any idea how succesful it was?
Do you mean "drone" as in an aircraft drone for target practice, or a "drone" with which to attack various targets with radio guidance?
The second you wrote. The intended role was both military and civilian. They thought of using it for photographic roles, for example. As to the success, after he flew six times it was discarded..

here is a small info about Magni RR aircraft.

Aeronautica Militare - La Propulsione a Reazione in Italia


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Also from;'Aeronautica%20italiana%201934.pdf


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