I updated the Blackbird Reading List on my blog with my latest two finds, Rich Graham's SR-71 Revealed (1996) and Tony Landis's Photo Scrapbook: http://geimint.blogspot.com/2009/06/blackbird-reading-list.html
Ok, so Tony didn't fit a bunch of text into his book, but big deal. It's basically a picture book, most of it is in full color, and I like it. LOTS of new stuff in there. There is a bunch of interesting stuff in a lot of the captions as well, they can basically be treated as the "text". The Thunderbirds story was hilarious, and I never realized that the A/R receptacles on the YF-12 and SR-71 were in different positions. My only issue is that he refers to the AIM-47 as being "nuclear-tipped", when the 0.25 kT W-42 nuke warhead was dropped in 1958, and the nuke warhead idea in total by 1959.
Here's a question-why have no images ever surfaced of a D-21 with leading edge probes being carried about by an M-21? As I mention towards the end of the reading list, I can prove that this was not a D-21B modification-just look at the launch video from the back of 06941. I've never found an answer to that one.