Israel unveils secret missile


ACCESS: Top Secret
4 May 2008
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Israel unveils secret missile

Published: Aug. 2, 2011 at 7:29 AM

JERUSALEM, Aug. 2 (UPI) -- Israel's Artillery Corps has revealed the existence of the previously classified Tammuz missile used by the army during the Gaza and Lebanon wars.

With a range of 15.5 miles, the missile is equipped with an electronic optic sensor that transmits the image of its target to operators inside an armored personnel carrier who then manually steer it towards the target, The Jerusalem Post said.

The missile is capable of penetrating armored vehicles. While the missile has been in use since the 1980s, it was decided to reveal it to the public on Monday, the Post and Haaretz reported.

"The missile provides us with the ability to accurately attack targets from a standoff position without needing to physically come into contact with the enemy," Col. Sharon commander of the Artillery Corps David Sling Formation told the Post.

The Tammuz missile is based on the Spike Long Range Missile developed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, and is operated by the elite Meitar unit of the Artillery Corps. It was offered for foreign export a number of years ago, the Post said.

The missile was used extensively in the Second Lebanon War against Hezbollah targets but proved more successful when used against Hamas targets in Operation Cast Lead in Gaza in January 2009.
Sounds like a longer range version of the US Army's 1975 FOGM proposal, except updated to wireless commnication rather than fiber optic. In the 1990s an enhanced , longer ranged version, EFOGM was tested, but not bought. Europe worked on a similar system- Polyphem, with a 60 km range, but that was canceled in 2003. have a nice photo of the launch vehicle (modified M113) in action: (Scroll down below the video clips.)

From the linked post:
The Artillery Corps has installed the Spike NLOS on double launchers, each carrying three missiles, on top of M113s. The APC can carry an additional four missiles inside.

Note: The Tammuz missile was previously known as the Spike NLOS, at least in its export incarnation.

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